View Full Version : Rename a color scheme value?

2007-05-06, 10:22 PM
Am I missing something here? Is there no way to rename a value for a color scheme? I had to create an entirely new value, change all the rooms set to the old Department value to the new value, then delete the old one, and then change the color back to what the old value was. That whole process seems extremely tedious and ridiculous just to get a different name for a value.

Scott D Davis
2007-05-06, 11:03 PM
I think you might be missing something :)

2007-05-07, 01:05 PM
no I'm talking about renaming an actual category in the color scheme. Like I have a color scheme for Department, and I had a department named Gymnasium that I wanted to rename to Athletic Areas. I had to create Athletic Areas, change the rooms, delete Gymnasium, and then change the color to match what Gymnasium was before.

2007-05-07, 01:35 PM
Hey there,
That's how I had to do it last week too.
(Long way around the barn.)

2007-05-07, 03:44 PM
Are you taking about renaming type of System Family Color Fill ? Unless I misunderstood your needs you can select a color fill and instead of pressing Edit Color Scheme button press Properties button. Then proceed to edit element type definition and it gives you an ability to rename. This works in 9.0 and hopefully was not changed in 2008.

2007-05-08, 12:34 PM
Hey there,
Thanks! I will give it a try.

2007-05-08, 01:29 PM
Are you taking about renaming type of System Family Color Fill ? Unless I misunderstood your needs you can select a color fill and instead of pressing Edit Color Scheme button press Properties button. Then proceed to edit element type definition and it gives you an ability to rename. This works in 9.0 and hopefully was not changed in 2008.

When you go to Edit Color Scheme, you see the list of different values in the table, with each value's color, whether or not it's visible, etc.

I want to change the name of one of the values, but all the values are shown in gray text and I can't change anything. Is there no way to do this?

2007-05-08, 02:18 PM
You need to select corresponding rooms/areas go into their properties and change values there. There is no need to delete rooms. Just change their properties. Color fill is drawn based on room/area properties. Once you change these properties color fill changes.

I don't expect the factory to enhance color fills so they would do a search though rooms/area based on parameter value and change all of them to a new value.

2007-05-08, 02:56 PM
That still doesn't address my issue. My color fills are based on the Department parameter of rooms. I had a value set for certain rooms, but I wanted to change the name of that one value to be more general for the rooms I had set to that value. Instead of the department value "Gymnasium", I wanted to call it "Athletic Areas" (to include other areas besides just the gymnasium).

If I go to a room's properties, there is a pull-down box for the Department. I don't see how I would rename the department value there.

The logical function would be for me to click on the value Gymnasium when looking at the Edit Color Fill dialog, and it should highlight and allow me to simply type a different name for it.

As it is now, I have to create a new value, change all rooms from the old value to the new value, delete the old value, and then change the color of the new value to match what I had before.

I don't want to change the value per se. I don't even want to change the color it already has. I'd rather just re-name the value I already had defined. Is that not possible at all without this big long workaround?

Chirag Mistry
2007-05-08, 03:36 PM

Once you goto the properties of the room object and select the department parameter, instead of the pull down, you can start typing the new department name there and it will add it to the pull down list.

The easier way to do this would be,
Create a room schedule with department as one of the fields, sort by department and do not itemize all instances and then type Athelitic arena where you have Gymnasium and it should replace all with Gymnasium to athletic arena.

Hope this helps

2007-05-08, 03:52 PM
But since Department is an instance parameter, would I not have to change all rooms with the old value to the new value (if I have multiple rooms set to the old value)?

Scott D Davis
2007-05-08, 03:54 PM
Are you taking about renaming type of System Family Color Fill ? Unless I misunderstood your needs you can select a color fill and instead of pressing Edit Color Scheme button press Properties button. Then proceed to edit element type definition and it gives you an ability to rename. This works in 9.0 and hopefully was not changed in 2008.
Leonid, Color Schemes were changed in 2008. Color Schemes are now a property of the view, and the dialog box has been reworked. You can rename defined color schemes in this dialog, and create as many schemes as you'd like. Those predefined schemes are then applied to a view in Propoerties of the view.

2007-05-09, 06:30 AM
Create a new Area Scheme and use this one to create your color fill. you can then use any area name you want.

2007-05-09, 01:07 PM
I think what patricks it saying is that he would like to be able to change the "Department" name in the color fill legend and have his room properties update. RAC 2008 color fill dialog does not seem to allow you to edit value field. As it stands now, you have to go back into the room properties and change the value there. If you were to create a new name under "Department" this value is added to the color fill legend automatically; however, now you have to change the color and then go back into the room properties and apply the new value. There definitely seems to be a lot of unnecessary back-and-forth.

The highlighted area of the attached image is the area in question. As you can see the value field is grayed-out.

Chirag Mistry
2007-05-09, 02:07 PM
As I mentioned in my previous post, the color fill is pulling it's value from the department parameter embedded in the room object. You cannot modify the value of this parameter in the color fill dailog box, but can modify it in the room properties or the room schedule.

See attached for how I changed the fMRI department to Brain Imaging Center.

2013-10-22, 09:10 PM
I fully understand you post and question. We (at my firm) have been looking for a solution to this for years. Any luck in finding a way to modify the value in 2014?