View Full Version : Dimensions

2007-05-07, 04:05 PM
Is there a setting I can change that will eliminate the dimension of wall thicknesses when I pick entire walls. The "Entire Walls" option could be a great feature and speed up the dimension processs if I could get it not to dimension both sides of the wall, or be able to edit the string once it's in place.

BTW, why is this forum limited to only one or two pages of threads. So many of the AutoCAD based forums are several pages?



2007-05-07, 04:22 PM
If you are looking to dimension all of the interior dims of rooms without the wall thicknesses, then no. You can always use the 'wall centerlines' option. Maybe a good wish would be to ignore wall thicknesses during this process.

2007-05-07, 05:17 PM
After selecting entire wall but before clicking in empty space to place a dimension you can click on additional references. Clicking on a reference not in dimension chain will add this reference, clicking on a reference already in dimension chain will remove the reference.

Sounds like you want to use this capability to remove some references.

2007-05-07, 09:20 PM
What version are you using? I'm using 9.1 and I don't see this "Additional References" you are talking about.

Dimitri Harvalias
2007-05-07, 09:49 PM
It's not a specific command, Leonid is just saying you are able to pick other elements to dimension to. If it' s part of the intial string the witness line will be deleted (typical dimensioning behaviour) if it's not part of the string it will be added.

2007-05-08, 03:44 PM
I know how to add or subtract instances by using the Shift & Ctrl keys. However, this method does not work on dimensions, so I guess I'll have to do it the old AutoCAD way; clicking one wall at a time.

I'll have to add that to the RevIt wish list!

2007-05-08, 04:31 PM
I know how to add or subtract instances by using the Shift & Ctrl keys. However, this method does not work on dimensions, so I guess I'll have to do it the old AutoCAD way; clicking one wall at a time.

I'll have to add that to the RevIt wish list!
The previous posts did not suggest using Shift & Ctrl keys. These keys are specific for Modify tool. The posts suggested an approach that is specific to dimension tool. You may want to reread these posts and try the suggestions prior to creating a new wish list idem.

2007-05-08, 04:58 PM
So how do you do you do it then. A previous post mentioned click on additional refereneces and another said it wasn't a specific command. So, what are they talking about. I'm a new user and the language doesn't make sense to me.

If they mean just click on the wall i want to add/subtract from the string; I tried that and it doesn't work either.

So, back to square one; there is no way to get rid of wall thickness dimensions in RevIt 9.1. Hopefully they have fixed this in 2008.

2007-05-08, 05:01 PM
Leonid is referring to the Edit Witness Line tool on the options bar. Select any dimension and this button will appear. Select the button and the witness line references highlight red. You can click on a red instance to de-select or click on a new instance and it will update your dimension string.

Scott D Davis
2007-05-08, 05:10 PM
Once you create the dimension string using the "entire wall" option, you can get rid of or add in witness lines. Right-click on the blue square that is near the midpoint of the witness line and choose "delete".

2007-05-08, 06:06 PM
I understand your question to be - can you create the lower of the two dimension strings in the attached image, as one string. The answer is no. The 'edit witness lines' will not remove the dimension note in the middle of a string. You'll have to create each dimension individually.

2007-05-08, 06:29 PM
I took his question to be asking if he could make a dim string at once like i have pictured in the attachment.

If that is the case, then it is exactly as Leonid explained it. You can complete the string and use Edit Witness Line after, if you like... but it isnt necessary. Before completing the dim string, simply click the red leaders to the sides of the walls you want to leave out, and the string jumps over them.

Done in Revit 9.1, for the original poster. :)

2007-05-08, 06:35 PM
If that is the case, then it is exactly as Leonid explained it. You can complete the string and use Edit Witness Line after, if you like... but it isnt necessary. Before completing the dim string, simply click the red leaders to the sides of the walls you want to leave out, and the string jumps over them.Ah, re-reading the question once more, it looks like I may have misunderstood it. Your example, and Leonid's technique sounds like the way to go. :Oops: