View Full Version : Stairs w different Floor to Floor Height

2007-05-07, 09:46 PM
What's the best practice for stairs with different floor to floor heights?

Place a stair from level 1 to level 2 - All is good.

Now add another stair from level 2 to level 3. The visibility of the stairs causes an overlap of graphics on Level 2. I can use Visibility/Graphics to control the "Stairs beyond cut plane" and "Stringers beyond cut line" for the stair going from Level 2 to 3, but I still see the entire stair from Level 1 to 2... I only want to see a portion of that, or at least have more control.

Any suggestions?

2007-05-08, 04:47 PM
Very tricky question because there are so many variable as to what you want to see. Options include... changing the parameters of the stairs... there are many. For me the quick and dirty is to use a project parameter added to all families... one that allows me to isolate objects for viewing, hiding or halftoning on a view. I do this with a project param like "DontShowOn2ndFloorPlan". this adds a checkbox to objects. when checked, I can go the view I want to modify and filter the view to include the filter. Then I can select show, hide or halftone to the filter. This way I can easily control objects viewing in my views. I created most of my regular project paramaters in my template so they are always there. Then when I find a new one is needed I add it to my template also. Good Luck!