View Full Version : Pass variable between drawings

2007-05-08, 01:27 PM
I have in my mind, that there is a variable there you can store a value
and then call it from an other drawings ( 2007 and SDI 0 )

But I can’t remember the name, can you ?

: ) Happy Computing !


2007-05-08, 03:47 PM
vl-propagate sets the variable in all currently open documents. ;-)

Edit: To see all the options, do an infocenter or AutoLISP Developers guide search for "Referencing Variables in Document Namespaces."

2007-05-08, 05:08 PM
vl-propagate sets the variable in all currently open documents. ;-)

Edit: To see all the options, do an infocenter or AutoLISP Developers guide search for "Referencing Variables in Document Namespaces."
That is how I do it. There is also 'vl-bb-set' and 'vl-bb-ref' that you could look into.

2007-05-08, 07:39 PM
Thank you both, I hope I can manage my task now.
as I can understand they also automatically copy to the namespace of any new drawings opened during the current AutoCAD session. . . perfect.

: ) Happy Computing !
