View Full Version : Copy & Paste Lighting?

2007-05-08, 06:17 PM
Is it possible to copy and paste lighting from an architect's Revit project into our Revit MEP project?

We've linked in the architectural backgrounds (Revit format) but we need to lighting to be active families in the MEP project (for assigning panels/circuits). For some reason. the families won't paste in. I'm assuming that the lighting won't paste in because they are already being linked in thru the architect's project so there some sort of interference. Is this correct?

How can I make the lighting "active" in our project?

Thanks in advance.

2007-05-08, 07:03 PM
Are you all using Revit 2008 versions? You should be able to select the families in the linked file and paste them into yours if so. If not then, no...not until you upgrade.

2007-05-08, 08:20 PM
Yes, we are using Revit MEP 2008. I'm not sure about the architect, but from my understanding of the software, it would upgrade any project files as soona s they're opened in the newer version.

The weird thing about pasting is, I had a hell of a time pasting receptacles from one project to another. It was the same linked floor plan, but I had to rehost and recircuit each receptacle.

Does anybody else have this problem?

2007-05-09, 11:17 AM
Yes, we are using Revit MEP 2008. I'm not sure about the architect, but from my understanding of the software, it would upgrade any project files as soona s they're opened in the newer version.

The weird thing about pasting is, I had a hell of a time pasting receptacles from one project to another. It was the same linked floor plan, but I had to rehost and recircuit each receptacle.

Does anybody else have this problem?

Sorry, we lay out all our own receptacles and lighting, so we 'own' it essentially.
But I'm curious, can you copy/monitor the families?

2007-05-09, 03:16 PM
Families can be copy and pasted from linked files but they cannot be copy monitored. There is a distinction between the two.

When you copy something over from a linked file you have to bear in mind how the object was originally hosted. For example copying over a wall based toilet from a linked file will do me no good if I have haven't copy monitored the wall it is hosted on as well or have a wall placed where you want to paste the toilet.

Do you know the hosting type of the lighting fixture?

2007-05-22, 10:05 PM
Yes, I'm currently "copying" the architect's lighting, but you have to modify the family to include the "electrical systems" connector. Simply edit the family, add the connector, edit the connector's parameters and load back into the Project (no saving necessary). Then you can circuit the lights as needed. (I guess "copy" is the wrong word to use as your's just modifying the family)

I think most of the light fixtures are included in the Revit Architecture (formally Revit Building), but there aren't any connector options, so you have to add them in when you open the project with MEP.

Pretty simple and saves a ton of time.

2007-05-23, 09:08 PM
Yes, I'm currently "copying" the architect's lighting, but you have to modify the family to include the "electrical systems" connector. Simply edit the family, add the connector, edit the connector's parameters and load back into the Project (no saving necessary). Then you can circuit the lights as needed. (I guess "copy" is the wrong word to use as your's just modifying the family)

I think most of the light fixtures are included in the Revit Architecture (formally Revit Building), but there aren't any connector options, so you have to add them in when you open the project with MEP.

Pretty simple and saves a ton of time.

I see, you're probably working in one file. We use linked files so we can't add connectors thru linked files. Guess that's where my confusion came from!! :) I recently had all the architectural lighting converted over to MEP with connectors and so that it would be faced based instead of hosted.

2007-05-23, 09:13 PM
OIC, I'm probably doing it wrong then. I assume I would link the file so not to modify any of the arch's info?

I thought everything was supposed to be in one file... well I guess that doesn't make sense either as I don't have access to the arch's network nor they to ours. Hmmmm I guess I'll need to look into this "link" thing more.

2007-05-23, 10:13 PM
The workflow in my office goes as follows (if youre interested of course)

We start with a new project based on our companys template file.

We then link in the architectural and structural files.

Any fixtures that we would need to add connectors to we copy directly from the linked architectural model, while still in our mep model. This is a new capability for 2008. We dont just open the original architectural and then copy stuff over.

We then alter the family by adding connectors and making it face based.

We then shut off the architects fixtures through the view settings or depending on preference you could leave them on as they will be half-toned but will add to the redraw time for that particular view.

2007-05-23, 10:28 PM
So, back to the original question... What is your procedure in "copying" the fixtures?

Phil Palmer
2007-05-24, 07:26 AM
The workflow in my office goes as follows (if youre interested of course)

We start with a new project based on our companys template file.

We then link in the architectural and structural files.

Any fixtures that we would need to add connectors to we copy directly from the linked architectural model, while still in our mep model. This is a new capability for 2008. We dont just open the original architectural and then copy stuff over.

We then alter the family by adding connectors and making it face based.

We then shut off the architects fixtures through the view settings or depending on preference you could leave them on as they will be half-toned but will add to the redraw time for that particular view.
The main issue with this workflow is with co-ordination problems down the line.
for MEP to work effectively, somehow we should be able to either copy monitor the fixtures or be able to connect to them from the linked file. It just seems very un revit like to have to copy and paste fixtures as surely we then loose the whole BIm theory of sharing information and not have to re-draw or re-corodinate our efforts.

2007-05-24, 12:46 PM
The workflow in my office goes as follows (if youre interested of course)

We start with a new project based on our companys template file.

We then link in the architectural and structural files.

Any fixtures that we would need to add connectors to we copy directly from the linked architectural model, while still in our mep model. This is a new capability for 2008. We dont just open the original architectural and then copy stuff over.

We then alter the family by adding connectors and making it face based.

We then shut off the architects fixtures through the view settings or depending on preference you could leave them on as they will be half-toned but will add to the redraw time for that particular view.

We don't even go that far, we just have a handful of "generic" lighting fixture families which can be tailored to 90% of the fixtures we use in a project. When we start laying out lighting I create the new types and place them wherever the architect wants them (assuming we aren't designing lighting). Then we just turn the arch reference lighting off in the view properties.

2007-05-24, 01:31 PM
Elements from linked Revit models can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted into the host model.

To copy and paste elements from linked Revit models:

In the drawing area, move the cursor over the element in the linked model to copy.
Press TAB until the element to copy is highlighted, and click to select it.
Click Edit menuCopy to Clipboard.
Navigate to the location in the project where you want to paste the element.
Click Edit menuPaste from Clipboard.
Click in the drawing area to place the element.

This is lifted straight from the help file.

2007-05-24, 02:43 PM
Can you add connectors to those's C&P elements and if the architect moves them, they move in the MEP model?

2007-05-29, 01:41 PM
You can edit them like any other family, but they are not linked to the original architectural in any way. They will not be updated when the architectural changes.

2007-05-29, 06:02 PM
...somehow we should be able to either copy monitor the fixtures or be able to connect to them from the linked file. It just seems very un revit like to have to copy and paste fixtures as surely we then loose the whole BIm theory of sharing information and not have to re-draw or re-corodinate our efforts.My sentiments, exactly.

2007-06-26, 01:36 PM
After having a little more experience with what the original post is talking about, I agree this needs to be fixed.

The only things which can be copy/monitor-ed are LEVELS, GRIDS, COLUMNS, WALLS and FLOORS. So there's no way to c/m the lighting unless you redraw the entire ceiling which in turn is then attached to the walls which can be c/m-ed.

Like already stated, it seems counter productive to redo something which has already been done, and then loose the BIM technology about tracking changes to it.

Has anyone come up with a solution/work around regarding this problem? Is everyone just c/p-ing the arch's lighting and ceiling into our revit model?

Revit Dog
2007-06-27, 09:49 PM
I found it difficult to take the time to tab-select a large number of elements to then paste to my MEP model. I like to open the architect's file (Central - detach from central), select the element to copy, select all instances if more are needed, and make a group. Then save the group out and import that group into my MEP model (with architect link), origin to origin. Next, bind the group object and then ungroup. What I want to do then is select all of those instances and replace with an MEP "smart" family component, but with certain families, such as toilet fixtures, this will not work. I haven't found out what needs to be altered to allow this quick type conversion from a copied architectural family. I have made it work for a toilet fixture family created from scratch. So, I'm still researching the benefit or downside of this approach. Would appreciate any ideas.

2007-06-28, 08:04 PM
I found it difficult to take the time to tab-select a large number of elements to then paste to my MEP model. I like to open the architect's file (Central - detach from central), select the element to copy, select all instances if more are needed, and make a group. Then save the group out and import that group into my MEP model (with architect link), origin to origin. Next, bind the group object and then ungroup. What I want to do then is select all of those instances and replace with an MEP "smart" family component, but with certain families, such as toilet fixtures, this will not work. I haven't found out what needs to be altered to allow this quick type conversion from a copied architectural family. I have made it work for a toilet fixture family created from scratch. So, I'm still researching the benefit or downside of this approach. Would appreciate any ideas.

I'm trying to follow your method and I'm running into some problems.

I first opened the architect's file; then created a group for each different level (LEVEL 1 LIGHTING, LEVEL 2 - LIGHTING), and I save them out as .rvt files. I then open a new project, link in the architect's model, import my group, but I can't seem to find out how to "with architect link, origin to origin" like you stated above.

If I'm understanding you correctly, your group is going into the correct location in the new project file automatically, or are you having to manually move it like I am?

2007-06-28, 08:08 PM
I did find out how to have the linked file and the host file both open at the same time ;)

2007-06-28, 08:58 PM
Is it possible to copy and paste lighting from an architect's Revit project into our Revit MEP project?

We've linked in the architectural backgrounds (Revit format) but we need to lighting to be active families in the MEP project (for assigning panels/circuits). For some reason. the families won't paste in. I'm assuming that the lighting won't paste in because they are already being linked in thru the architect's project so there some sort of interference. Is this correct?

How can I make the lighting "active" in our project?

Thanks in advance.

I finally figured out what you're talking about. Yes, you can copy&paste the lighting, but if it's hosted (ceiling, wall, etc.) you have to c&p the hosted object too (or edit the architect's families to be non-hosted, if that's even possible).

Personally, I only wanted the lights to come over but had to copy the ceilings over since the lights can't be free floating in space.

Someone PLEASE explain to me how you're turning off (hiding) the linked information, but still showing your own information. (example: turn off the arch's lighting but still showing your own lighting. when I turn off the "lighting" category all the light goes off, the arch's and mine).

Revit Dog
2007-06-28, 09:10 PM
Sorry, I couldn't respond quick enough before you replied. To control the visibility, go to Visibility/Graphic Overrides and to the Revit Links tab. Select the By Host View button, choose Custom. Go to the Model Categories tab, select Custom from Model categories and then set your options from the category Visibility list as needed.

You're right about the hosted object issue. I've been editing MEP content as necessary at times to match appearance of "architectural" families, and adding connectors and parameters that I need. Hosted objects seem to be a source that limits the "collaborative" approach between engineer and architect. I'm trying to find solutions, as well as others are, I'm sure, by editing family content settings and experimenting.

How did you have both files open at same time as you mentioned?


2008-12-09, 12:01 AM
Are you all using Revit 2008 versions? You should be able to select the families in the linked file and paste them into yours if so. If not then, no...not until you upgrade.

well i am using the revit MEP 2009 suite, and i am trying to copy paste my lighting circuit (fixtures and wires) from a plan view to a ceiling view, but the wires and tags and annotations are not copied. If i tab on the circuit, the wires will reappear, so the circuit properties are still there, but i need the wires to be copied without tabbing them, since all the floors of the tower are identical and a lot of time will be saved if i succeed to do this.
i really appreciate any help........

2008-12-09, 12:06 AM
Did you try the "paste aligned > same place" menu option?

2008-12-09, 01:53 AM
well i am using the revit MEP 2009 suite, and i am trying to copy paste my lighting circuit (fixtures and wires) from a plan view to a ceiling view, but the wires and tags and annotations are not copied. If i tab on the circuit, the wires will reappear, so the circuit properties are still there, but i need the wires to be copied without tabbing them, since all the floors of the tower are identical and a lot of time will be saved if i succeed to do this.
i really appreciate any help........

Just out of interest: if all the levels are the same, why not just do a "typical lighting layout"?

2008-12-09, 09:04 PM
I understand this post is about copying/pasting from one file to another, but I would like to offer an alternate workflow.

If the lighting fixtures are all located in the Arch link you can add a "connector" (located in your imperial library under Lighting Fixtures/Connectors (see image)) in your file.
This acts like a rough-in. You can assign it all of the properties that you would assign to the light fixture itself. It is face-hosted so you can attach it to the fixtures in the linked file. They will show up in your lighting fixture schedule.

By doing this you don't even need to copy and paste the fixtures from the linked file.

2008-12-11, 12:10 PM
well thx for the reply....... the copy pasting of lighting fixtures are working now... but the problem i am facing now is that when i want to change one fixture in one level, it only changes in that level, while i want it to change it in all respective levels of the tower since they are pretty similar......

is there a way to do it......????