View Full Version : Keyboard Shortcuts
Paul Andersen
2007-05-09, 11:16 AM
Wes started a fantastic thread a little while back about keyboard shortcut strategies in the Revit Architecture - Tips & Tricks forum which can be found here ( Thanks again Wes! While most of the commands are the same between these two flavors of Revit there are enough differences that I thought I'd start a Revit Structure version of the thread. Besides, the Tips & Tricks forum here needs some more action. Since 2008 added some additional commands and modified the syntax of a couple existing ones I decided to retool my shortcuts.
I had a bit of fun with the special characters section. I tried to make most of the characters act as descriptive images for the commands they launch. "-" for beam, "=" for beam system, "_" for slab, etc. For the numbers I tried to attach a command related to the special character.
I stuck with 2 key shortcuts except for snaps (single letter), numbers, and special characters. The single letters require the space bar or enter key to be used essentially making these still a 2 key entry. The numbers and special characters will launch immediately.
Every command that I've assigned a shortcut to should have a unique keyin to avoid having to scroll through a list in the status bar with arrow keys. There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example "SW" will typically launch the Modelling-Host Sweep-Wall Sweep command unless you are in the process of creating an in-place family where "SW" will launch the Modelling-Solid Form-Solid Sweep command. In this particular example the same shortcut can be used twice without interference.
I've attached the KeyboardShortcut.txt version and an excel version. I prefer to edit these in excel and then just select all and copy paste them into the text file. Also for those who have not modified these before, the default install location of this file is: C:\Program Files\Revit Structure 2008\Program\KeyboardShortcuts.txt. KeyboardShortcuts.log will report how many shortcuts are currently defined and if there are any errors. I recommend renaming the default KeyboardShortcut.txt file prior to editing so you have a copy of the original to reference and/or go back to. A reboot of Revit is necessary in order to see modifications made to this file and to update the log file.
I still consider these a work in progress and look forward to seeing what others have come up with.
Edit: Found a couple of typos / duplicates and reposted the files.
2007-05-18, 03:26 AM
Pretty slick! I do like the character references! I haven't modified my to that extent, I've just been adding them as I get annoyed :) ..... nothing organized yet.
2007-12-10, 06:44 PM
Thanks for the list Paul. And thanks for the presentation at AU.
David Harrington
2007-12-11, 02:01 PM
Truly a great effort and thanks for reminding us all to look into keyboard shortcuts again.
Paul Andersen
2007-12-11, 02:49 PM
Thanks Guys. Honestly, it's the first time I've been burned by embed videos in a PowerPoint despite other horror stories I've heard. I should have had my backup videos in better order . . . live and learn. Thanks again for sticking with us.
David, nice blog.
Scott D Davis
2007-12-11, 04:57 PM
probem with powerpoint videos is that most video cards can't push the video to 2 screens. Hit Function F4 (or similar, depending on laptop) to toggle the display to be on the projector only. Then your videos will run.
Paul Andersen
2007-12-11, 07:52 PM
Thanks Scott, that's good to know and I believe that was tried on our laptops. I think the problem in this particular case was a lack of codecs and / or software / plug-ins to run the videos on the laptop that was ultimately used.
Long story short we worked with the on-site technicians for the better part of an hour and couldn't get either of our laptops to work with the projector and in the final minutes had to copy the PowerPoint over to the provided laptop. While this has never been a problem with the various projectors we've used in the past I guess it was just our time.
2008-01-26, 12:10 AM
Paul,hats off for the - = _
I LOVE THE IDEA, so from now on im stealing those to tell the world :-)
David Harrington
2008-01-26, 01:15 PM
Hi guys,
I tried this 'symbolic' method for a day or so - I couldn't do it. I printed out a nice strip of aliases and taped it to my monitor to help learn it, but just could not embed it in the mind. I guess I still have AutoCAD in my head too...
My current method of keyboard shortcuts is I have defined all on-screen toolbar buttons as 1st priority - they all get single+space (like M for MOVE) or double letter (like bb for BEAM), and in less used commands, key+close by key, to speed access to the command.
The logic I am trying to push is that commands on-screen are used more than anything else so those should be set to the quickest methods. After all those are assigned you then can assign pull-down commands as logically as possible.
One "sybbolic" approach I did do was for SNAPS. I wanted to use SE for SECTION, not SNAP-ENDPOINTS. I looked around and Y wasn't too busy, and it kinda looks like any number of various node types. Plus it is in the middle of the keyboard, therefore kinda close to everything. So YE, which 1 hand can reach easily, is SNAP-ENDPOINTS. YY was SNAP-OFF, YC for CENTER - you get the concept I'm sure. YP is probably the only sucky shortcut.
Alan aka cadalot
2008-02-06, 12:11 PM
Here is a Quick Reference Guide for Revit Structure 2008 shortcuts by Menu Item
I have printed out two copies, placed them back to back, then encapsulated them in plastic using a laminating machine to keep nearby as a reference card.
David Harrington
2008-02-07, 12:05 PM
Cool, I like it. Want to make one for my version of the shortcuts? hehe
Alan aka cadalot
2008-02-07, 10:24 PM
Hi David
Found a couple of menus items I had not highlighted, I've now updated the file and its available on my blog and web site. If you want the word document to edit for your own version I will be happy to email it to you.
David Harrington
2008-02-08, 12:22 PM
Actually, I recently got Max 2008 and it had a really cool command cube. Using this concept I have drawn up in good ol AutoCAD a Revit Structure version. I'm still working the shortcuts which may make this concept pointless (too much trouble for a changing thing) but interesting none the less.
2008-06-25, 12:02 AM
Wes started a fantastic thread...
Edit: Found a couple of typos / duplicates and reposted the files.
is there any keyboardshorcuts.txt file for RST 2009? :)
Paul Andersen
2008-06-26, 12:22 PM
Due to workload I'm a bit behind on my setup this year. There are several new commands in this release that I would like to have quick access to and will require a bit of rework. The goal is to keep all of the shortcuts to the commonly used commands the same as my previous version, weed out some of the commands that don't really need shortcuts and find a way to creatively work in several of the new commands that are now available. I hope to have something within the next week or so and will post an update.
Paul Andersen
2008-08-13, 03:14 AM
That was a pretty long week :lol:. . . . my apologies for the delay. I've added the 2009 updates to the first post. The RST 2009.xls file contains several worksheets. Each worksheet is a different shortcut scheme that I have been playing with, the following is a brief description of each:
RST 2009 - Delivered: These are the default shortcuts that are delivered with Revit Structure.
RST 2009 - Master (Blank): This is the starting point for all of the other schemes. I re-ordered the menus and commands to match the order of commands as they are found in the Revit GUI. The default shortcut list is missing a few commands and uses some old / incorrect syntax for others. Also note that I have removed the Debug Menu section for now.
RST 2009 - Master (2): This is the 2009 update to the previously posted 2008 shortcuts. This list contains a unique shortcut (2 key maximum) for every command. Since the list currently contains 466 defined shortcuts some of these do get a bit cryptic.
RST 2009 - Letter (3): This is a 3 key list which also defines a shortcut for every command. The first letter describes the Menu (F for File, E for Edit . . . ) the second two letters describe the command, typically the first two letters of a single word command or the first letter of each multi-word command. While not as quick as the 2 key list the shortcuts are less cryptic and arguably a bit easier to remember.
RST 2009 - Number (3): Same as the 3 key list above except a number is used to represent the menu (1 for File, 2 for Edit . . .).
RST 2009 - Master (3): This is the start of a 3 key list combined with the quicker 2 key list. I'll update the first post again once I have time to complete it.
As always any comments, suggestions and / or corrections are welcome.
2008-09-05, 02:42 AM
Thanks for the shortcut keys Paul, this is a big adavantage for Autocad users who switch to Revit..
2008-09-09, 07:58 PM
Actually, I recently got Max 2008 and it had a really cool command cube. Using this concept I have drawn up in good ol AutoCAD a Revit Structure version. I'm still working the shortcuts which may make this concept pointless (too much trouble for a changing thing) but interesting none the less.
is there a cube for 2009?
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