View Full Version : View Templates & Linked files

2007-05-10, 07:17 PM
Anybody got any good tips or setting up a View Template that affects Linked Projects?
Here's the deal:
We're working more & more with out Structural consultant bringing in their Columns, Beams & Footings. Hoping to use their Walls soon. We always turn off everything in their model except Structural Columns, Structural Beams, and Structural Footings. I'd love to be able to set up a View Template that would only affect the Link, regardless of what View it's in. Also love to be able to set something up in my Revit Template, but, because every Structural RVT file has a different name, every project (and every View) needs to be set up individually.

2008-10-20, 09:28 PM
Can anyone offer any help on this? We have the same problem and are trying to figure it out. Only we link in both Structural and MEP revit models and every RVT has a different file name (based on the project number).


Scott Womack
2008-10-21, 10:51 AM
Can anyone offer any help on this? We have the same problem and are trying to figure it out. Only we link in both Structural and MEP revit models and every RVT has a different file name (based on the project number).


This has been tried on 2008, and I see no reason why it would not work on 2009. Ill describe the process for one file, but the same process would work for more than one link.

In your template file, link in a blank Structural File, call it something like "Structural File". Now in the template, set up your View templates, including the linked file items you want in the view templates. This isn't too bad, since you'll know quickly what these settings will mostly include.

Now, when you start a new project, and work on it. Send it to your consultants, instructing them to acquire coordinates from your file. When you get their file back, go to the link manager, select the Structural File, and "Reload From", navigating to the now real structural file. When loaded in this manner, the Linked File name is changed in the link manager, and it will rename the info for the link in your View templates as well, maintaining the VG settings for the link.

2008-10-21, 12:40 PM
Great!! Thank you for the help Scott. This is kind of what I was suspecting. Thank you so much!!!