View Full Version : Titleblock Families

2007-05-10, 07:45 PM
I am setting up our Title block families, but we have several Regional offices that require their specific address logos at the top of the Title block. These logos will need to be visible and the others not, depending on what regional office the project originated. I would like to create each specific title block size family, yet have several types (Regional offices) within them. What is the best way to accomplish this?

2007-05-10, 07:57 PM
You could set up each logo as an annotation symbol, and then load them into you titleblock family. Then you could either set up a visibility parameter for each, so you would just turn off the ones you didn't want to see. Or you could set up a parameter that replaces one with another.

2007-05-10, 08:04 PM
You could set up each logo as an annotation symbol, and then load them into you titleblock family. Then you could either set up a visibility parameter for each, so you would just turn off the ones you didn't want to see. Or you could set up a parameter that replaces one with another.

Unless the logo is an image file, then it seems you cannot control visibility with a parameter. I am trying to do the same thing with scanned stamps, and once the stamp image is in a generic annotation and nested in the title block, the visibility control of the generic annotation fails to control the image as expected. Very frustrating, and seems to be a bug. I can't imagine what would qualify this as a "feature"!


2007-05-10, 08:58 PM
I do not know if it helps something because is not your case, but our template needed one logo to be removed from the titleblock, one way that worked for me was to create a solid white filled region on top of the logo and control that with a parameter and visibility.

2007-05-10, 09:42 PM
I do not know if it helps something because is not your case, but our template needed one logo to be removed from the titleblock, one way that worked for me was to create a solid white filled region on top of the logo and control that with a parameter and visibility.

If it was just logo or no logo, that would indeed work, but I was trying to include 8 different stamps, with the appropriate stamp showing up based on type, and a Not For Construction type in which no stamps showed up and the Not For Construction text did. The latter part worked, but the former failed due to the aforementioned bug. Bummer, because this seems like pretty basic functionality, and not uncommon.


Adam Mac
2007-05-10, 10:30 PM
What I ended up doing in a similar situation was to "pass on" the Width & Height parameters of the image to the Titleblock family and then made a family type for each logo. For example, when I want logo "A", it's Width & Height are set to (eg.) 10x10mm, while logo's "B" & "C" are set to 0.01x0.01mm. Logo "A" then "masks" the little dots that are "B" & "C". I hope this makes sense.... it's not ideal however! I think we should be able to directly control the visibilty of an image the usual way.



2007-05-10, 10:45 PM
What I ended up doing in a similar situation was to "pass on" the Width & Height parameters of the image to the Titleblock family and then made a family type for each logo. For example, when I want logo "A", it's Width & Height are set to (eg.) 10x10mm, while logo's "B" & "C" are set to 0.01x0.01mm. Logo "A" then "masks" the little dots that are "B" & "C". I hope this makes sense.... it's not ideal however! I think we should be able to directly control the visibilty of an image the usual way.



Zoiks! I had not thought of that kludge. Very tricksy indeed. I do hope that fix what is simply a dead moth in the works, but in the meantime, I just might be able to make that work.


2007-05-11, 01:43 PM
What I ended up doing in a similar situation was to "pass on" the Width & Height parameters of the image to the Titleblock family and then made a family type for each logo. For example, when I want logo "A", it's Width & Height are set to (eg.) 10x10mm, while logo's "B" & "C" are set to 0.01x0.01mm. Logo "A" then "masks" the little dots that are "B" & "C". I hope this makes sense.... it's not ideal however! I think we should be able to directly control the visibilty of an image the usual way.



That is a great workaround !!!

2007-05-11, 02:06 PM
It may not bother some of you, but be advised...

Items that get masked in Revit using tactics such as this do not necessary STAY masked when you Export. It might be an issue if you export for consultants, or again... You may not mind.

People were doing this with text and Dims as well, to accomplish the "Varies, see other drawing" over the top of Dimensions, and they didnt get the desired results when they exported.

Why not Nest a different family for each address, and then use a Family Type Parameter to swap between them, if Visibility Parameters do not work?

Kevin Janik
2007-06-14, 12:02 AM
Zoiks! I had not thought of that kludge. Very tricksy indeed. I do hope that fix what is simply a dead moth in the works, but in the meantime, I just might be able to make that work.



Did you get what you were wanting to do fixed with that?


Adam Mac
2007-06-14, 04:19 AM
Why not Nest a different family for each address, and then use a Family Type Parameter to swap between them, if Visibility Parameters do not work?Hi Aaron -

sorry, i've only just re-visited this thread!
I didn't think this option was possible for graphics? What kind of family would you place the individual logo's in?



2008-05-01, 05:27 PM
I thought that the image files would be able to be controled via yes/no parameter in 09. Just an assumption, but it seems pretty simple. I just tried adding a signature to my title block family and no luck, unless I'm missing something.

Anybody got any further with this?


2008-07-02, 08:36 PM
I just tried this. I created a NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION family note and placed in my titleblock family. By going to element properties, selecting the paramter box next to the visibility and created a NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION visibility parameter within the Titleblock family, I'm now able to turn on and off my N.F.C. note in any project.

I think the same could hold true then for the Title block images and such.