View Full Version : Systems and Spin Fittings

2007-05-11, 03:10 PM
Having gone through the tutorials for creating air systems in Revit MEP, I am left with a few questions.

One of the pieces of equipment that we typically put in our ductwork is a spin fitting with a damper that helps control the airflow. This has a direct impact on pipe sizing, CFM, etc. And yet, I have seen no way to address this in the creation of an air system. Am I missing something? Also, when looking through the libraries for the various families, I found a rectangular damper but it doesn't have enough intelligence to attach to the ductwork. Is this intentional? Is there a way to make it intelligent enough to attach and size itself, based on the duct size (similar to the duct endcaps)? Also, how would we program intelligence into the damper family to account for airflow calculations?

Thank you for any insight you can provide.