View Full Version : Wall Sweep limits - Need help

2004-07-22, 10:28 AM
Please look at this condition I am currently working with on a project. This will
occur at every exterior corner - about 24 times on the project. I need the
dimension noted to be reduced to 8" preferrably, but I think I can push it to 12"
if I had to. Do not understand the limit, or what I am doing incorrectly. Can
anyone offer suggestions?

2004-07-22, 10:34 AM
Answered my own question. For those who care - Create the wall as required. Edit the wall joins to be all mitre conditions, then select the 2'-4" wall, and change the 1'-9" dimension to be 8"....
Oh well. Too early in the morning to be dinking with this stuff...

2004-07-22, 09:39 PM
Your solution is appropriate. Wall sweeps are positioned on the side faces of walls. In this case if the short wall is butted to the others, its side face disappears if the mentioned dimension is small.

Just try to select the short wall in a shaded 3D view to show exactly what Revit knows about its shape.

Instead of mitering, you could have also selected the next configuration for the butt join.

2004-07-23, 03:27 AM
When I tried your fix, I received the following error message. "Could not create integral wall sweep for wall instance. All the segments are of zero length." It would not let me keep the 8" dimension.
What did you do exactly?

2004-07-23, 06:09 AM
I tried the wall sweep.The problem occurs because your wall thickness is 1'1/8" so u can decrerase the dimension to 1'1/8" not less than that, that does not permit coz of wall thickness you jave specified.

2004-07-23, 12:18 PM
Okay, as you could tell, this was a VERY early morning problem - before my brain came to work. As Tamas has pointed out the solution to the issue is the one I posted about five minutes after I woke up.

Anyway, you must address every corner of the solution to get it to work. Miter or adjust with "Next" per Tamas using the wall join tool under the Tools pull down. - By the way it would be nice to be able to turn on a " Miter all wall joins" as a standard - but thats already on the wish list - This will require at least 3 repetitions for each wall join condition. If you put the wall as a pilaster it will require 4 repetitions of the wall joint tool.

Once cleaned however, you can copy and move the condition to keep from having to repeat the detail.

If an interior wall hits in this area where you're working it will also screw the deal trying to keep the walls mitered. Pull the interior wall back away from this condition, fix it, then pull the interior wall back to the exterior wall.

Step by step:

1. Draw the condition, larger than required so you can edit the joints (see Fig1)
2. Edit EACH wall joint (in this example, noted as 1, 2 and 3, to be Miter Wall joins
a. Tools- Edit Wall joins - select the wall join, then change from butt to miter on the
menu bar at the top.
3. Select the outmost wall (shown in red), then activate dimensions. Change the
dimension to be what you need the dimension to be - I couldn't get it much smaller
than 8" - See Tamas' comments.
4. See the results - Figures 2 and 3.

2004-07-23, 12:30 PM
I tried the wall sweep.The problem occurs because your wall thickness is 1'1/8" so u can decrerase the dimension to 1'1/8" not less than that, that does not permit coz of wall thickness you jave specified.

Not quite, but close - see the answer in my other comments. One of the nice - and sometimes frustrating - things about Revit, is that if you can build it in the field, Revit should be able to draw it.

I know that the condition I was describing could be built, so I expected Revit to be able to draw it (easily). My problem at the moment was that I was non functioning with my brain (not that I use it much during the day either)..There is a limit to this wall condition as Tamas described it. Say I needed a 1" offset for this pilaster - I couldn't get this approach to work for anything less than about 8" - So what would I do then if I needed the offset smaller?- probably just make a wall based family and insert it.

Thanks for your input.