View Full Version : Configure Temporary Dimension Snap in Family

2007-05-15, 01:45 PM
When creating an electrical outlet is there something I can do so that, when placed into a project, the temporary dimensions snap to it's center (Left/Right) rather than from it's edges?

2007-05-15, 04:06 PM
Try this:
go to your outlet Rfa > select the Ref. plane(s) used for the edge(s) > Element Properties > change " Is Reference" parameter from Strong to Weak Reference

2007-05-17, 11:24 AM
Adding a "Ref. Line" to the family, in the location you wish to dim. to, has worked for me in the past. Don't make it too long. If the Ref. line extends 6 feet out from the family lines, that is where the "Dim extentsion lines" will go to.

Hope this helps,
