View Full Version : Grid line mess

Allen Lacy
2003-07-03, 09:08 PM
Anybody have a better way of constructing this custom storefront? I need gridlines to create mullions on the sides, top & bottom of baseball, but I don't want them to show.

2003-07-03, 09:45 PM
I'd probably use curtain wall for the "center" and an in-place family for the sides or a window family as an alternative. The columns are in front of the assembly right? You could even just do the upper portion (baseball zone) as an in-place family and storefront below it...

2003-07-03, 10:39 PM
I would do everything with curtain wall, but no mullions at the baseball trapezoids, I would create that whole mullion assembly as and in place extrusion. just over top of the the mullions you have, then delete those grids. check out this, I did a very similiar project with baseball bat columns and balls on top. I did it in revit 2.0 it was awesome. I was able to to make the columns in the family editor very easily. they supported what looked like a small backstop for the entry canopy.