View Full Version : curved wall and curved Stair

2007-05-16, 06:36 AM
HELP!!!! I am going mad on this one:

I have a monolith staircase(s) of which a portion is curved- a tight curve at that. I would like to have a wall which is flush with the edge of the stair and I would like the top of the wall to also be the top of the handrail. The wall should reach from the bottom level of the stair to the top of the handrail and it should follow the curved shape of the stair.

so far, I have figured how to make a railing profile that can be put in place to create a solid sweep along the host stair, and with some quirks I've yet to figure out it works ok, but that doesn't solve my problem for the wall below it. The curve of my stair is a small radius so adding drafting lines and references planes- as shown in one thread I found on this topic by Mr. Spot- has proven confusing and basically unworkable for me.

Does RA2008 have a solution worked out for this? Does anyone have a work-around they can offer? I have been at this off and on for a few days now- the pressure to get results is weighing heavy on me.



2007-05-16, 12:57 PM
Here is a family that may help. Basicaly you need to create blend voids to cut the top of your wall. I typically find it easier to make a wall profile for the railing, then in plan align my wall to it, then roughly adjust the walls top using ref. planes so in 3d it looks right, then the linework tool to clean up the elevations and sections.

2007-05-16, 01:11 PM
Here is a link to our Knowledge base solution on this topic.

TS79589 - http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=4043026&linkID=9243099

Hope this help send you in the right direction.

2007-05-16, 01:16 PM
Here is a link to our Knowledge base solution on this topic.

TS79589 - http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=4043026&linkID=9243099

Hope this help send you in the right direction.

WHOA that looks tedious and complicated :shock:

2007-05-16, 02:18 PM
Dear Scott Brown,

thank you for the family file. I am pouring over it now. I am running on fumes right now, so my brain is a little foggy at the moment. But, I am sure I will have a question or two later. For now, can you tell me how you use this file in a project? Or, is this a sample of how you build an in-place family to solve this design problem?

And to Jeff H:
Thanks for the link. The solution is a slightly different version of something I had found on this site (AUGI) and attempted with little success. Your link further breaks down the steps more compactly. I was trying a similar feat but by doing it with only one void blend. I will attempt this version - breaking down my curve into multiple segments with void blends cutting them.

Jeff- I have tried the method but I cannot seem to match the appropriate angle of my railing. It is not close enough to ignore. I am having trouble defining the bottom edge of my blend faces. Is there a way to draw lines (ref, detail, model) on my stair and use those to "pick" when sketching my blends?

It was tedious but now I have done this twice and finally got an acceptable model of my design! I've attached a small jpeg to share my sucess, thanks for all of your help. I would still be interested in hearing more about that parametric wall file Scott.

Mr Spot
2007-05-17, 02:47 AM
Another way is by using a ramp. Check out BeeGee's Blog. http://revit-alize.blogspot.com/

2007-05-17, 01:06 PM
All you do is place the family with the component tool. then click its properties, set the values, then rotate copy the family for the next segment, set new start elevation, repeat as needed until you complete the shape you need.

Note I didn't create this family, I think Phil Reed did but I'm not sure.

2007-05-17, 01:06 PM
It was tedious but now I have done this twice and finally got an acceptable model of my design! I've attached a small jpeg to share my sucess, thanks for all of your help. I would still be interested in hearing more about that parametric wall file Scott.

I am glad to hear you were able to get this to look the way you wanted it to. I never said my solution was EASY! :)

2007-05-17, 02:35 PM
thanks for the explanation. I will explore using that family today. The ultimate goal of the project includes several runs of an elegant curving staircase spanning several levels. And, of course through Revit I am able to decipher what works and what doesn't!

2007-05-17, 03:04 PM
You will most likely need to get your modeling 90% there and detail the rest.

2009-07-23, 07:08 PM
I was able to do this with regular walls and stair in about 15 seconds with no in place family or voids.

I just created a 'roof' object and attach the wall top. I used an extruded roof and then simply turned off the roof element. The roof thickness was 0.1"