View Full Version : Revit conversion from 9.1 to 2008 bug issues

2007-05-17, 01:27 PM
I have discovered the following issues (bugs) when converting a file from 9.1 to 2008:

1. All “level” based plans are moved to the “existing” phase.
i. Level Based = Plans created when a level is created. Non-level based plans are plans that have been made by duplicating views.

2. All existing Print Settings are modified so that the “to fit” check box is selected.
i. Very insidious, if not annoying.

3. Many views will appear as “white” space, and require a zoom extents for the geometry to be seen.

If you use a template made in 9.1, it will be converted on the fly to 2008, and have the issues listed above. I would advise copying / creating a 2008 version of your template with the corrected printer settings and level based plan phases before it spreads like a disease through your office.

Has anyone found other bugs with converting 9.1 to 2008?



2007-05-17, 01:51 PM
Detail callouts (NOT flooor plan callouts) will not show up on the parent plan!

Wes Macaulay
2007-05-17, 02:50 PM
We've had some plan views where callouts of any kind would not appear. This is only on one project; the rest converted without issue.

2007-05-29, 01:58 PM
Detail callouts (NOT flooor plan callouts) will not show up on the parent plan!


I can only replicate the bug with our template file which was created in Version 6 and upgraded to 9.1.

I CANNOT replicate the bug in the Revit 9.1 default.rte template.

I have not found the difference between our template and Revits' yet. I've tried to transfer project standards and copy the functional callout from Revit 9.1 default.rte. with no success yet.

Has anyone figured out how to beat this one yet? (other than waiting for the new release)

2007-06-04, 05:24 PM
One of my clients is having this very issue.

9.1 - 2008 project
Callouts are not showing when crop region is on
Callouts with Reference Another View checked show.

There are some linked files, not sure if that makes a difference.

2007-06-04, 05:34 PM
One of my clients is having this very issue.

9.1 - 2008 project
Callouts are not showing when crop region is on
Callouts with Reference Another View checked show.

There are some linked files, not sure if that makes a difference.

Download the latest build (was publish friday)

2007-06-05, 07:48 PM
Does the May build fix the issue on a project that had already been upgraded, or do I have to do an upgrade using the new build?

Hope that sentence made sense. I've got a project that I upgraded a couple of weeks ago using the original release. If I install the new build for that project team, will the Callouts magically show up again?

2007-06-05, 09:03 PM
Does the May build fix the issue on a project that had already been upgraded, or do I have to do an upgrade using the new build?

Hope that sentence made sense. I've got a project that I upgraded a couple of weeks ago using the original release. If I install the new build for that project team, will the Callouts magically show up again?
This is our question. Has anyone actually upgraded to the new build and seen the callouts magically reappear?


2007-06-05, 09:05 PM
Just heard back from one project team that upgrading their machines (on a previously upgraded project) did NOT fix the problem.

Wes Macaulay
2007-06-05, 09:21 PM
With the new build, try turning the crop region off, then back on and see if that fixes the problem.

2007-06-06, 03:10 AM
Can anyone confirm if it works. If you upgrade a project with THAT build, it's all fine. But i'm curious to see it will fix the already upgraded project

2007-07-19, 08:57 PM
Have just upgraded an existing project that has duplicate floor views, the view range is set as per those setting in 9.1, view depth is -2000 so that certain objects below are able to be seen, but what in fact we are seeing is right through the floor as if it is transparent.

Anyone come across this issue or have an idea of how to fix - other than recreating all duplicate floor plans and copy across 2D information?

Have added pdf attachments for a bit of clarification....

2007-07-20, 07:23 PM
I am not sure that this is necessarily an upgrading issue, but just a RAC 2008 bug. We have a new project in SD created from our 2008 template (the template was re-created in 2008 rather than upgraded from 9.1). In any floor plan when the room objects were turned on, the floor was transparent, regardless of the active visibility settings. Walls, columns and stairs were all clearly visible.

A support request was submitted, and we were told that it has been passed along to the development team. We haven't heard anything since.

Be sure and file a support request so they understand that these are not isolated issues.



2007-07-22, 09:15 PM
Great thanks for that CD, will definitely be filing a support request to back yours.

2007-07-24, 10:54 AM
I'm also going to put in a support request as I have the exact transparent floor issue on a project that was brought from 9.1 to 2008.

John Tobin

2007-08-10, 06:44 PM
Anyone heard anymore on the disappearing callouts and how to fix them?

cliff collins
2007-08-10, 06:56 PM
Perhaps check the new "annotation crop region" setting in Revit 2008....
this is a new feature which may be hiding some annotations?

Just a thought....


2007-08-10, 06:57 PM
Doesnt the latest build fixes it ?

2007-08-10, 07:04 PM
Doesnt the latest build fixes it ?
That's was what I was wondering. Will I still have this problem with the latest build or is it fixed?

2007-08-10, 07:07 PM
You can search the subject has been discuss previously. Or you can just imstall the latest build, and upgrade a copy of your project.

2007-08-10, 07:07 PM
Supposedly the new build addresses this problem

For a selected Line, Hide Category in View affects all Categories of Lines.
Some Detail, Plan, or Section Callouts are erroneously hidden in cropped views.
Masking Regions in Tag Families do not obscure elements in project and in exports.
Filled Regions containing Solid Fills, which are overridden to be Transparent, print inconsistently between Vector and Raster modes.
Instability with Overlay Planes turned off in Graphics Settings.
Some Crop Regions are not visible in Views in upgraded files and templates.
Display problems in a View when zooming with OpenGL® hardware acceleration turned on.
Copying nested links from the Project Browser places only the Link and not its nested components.
Elements do not refresh in views when deselected.
Product Registration for multiple products in Subscription returns “Invalid Serial Number.”

I will update and I am sure the problem will have been solved.