View Full Version : Material Visibility Won't Turn Off

2007-05-20, 02:13 PM
I have created a family configured to assign it's material by category.

I have loaded this family into a project which has a material assigned to that category.

In a plan view I see the family and it's material. So far, so good.

When I turn off the visibility of this category the family is no longer visible, but the material is!

Does anyone know why this happening and how can I turn off the visibility of the material in this family?

2008-03-01, 10:51 PM
I have created a family configured to assign it's material by category.

I have loaded this family into a project which has a material assigned to that category.

In a plan view I see the family and it's material. So far, so good.

When I turn off the visibility of this category the family is no longer visible, but the material is!

Does anyone know why this happening and how can I turn off the visibility of the material in this family?
Any ideas?

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-03-01, 11:38 PM
Can you post the family?

2008-03-02, 04:52 PM
OK. Here it is.

If you load this into a project and assign materials by category all displays as desired. If you then turn off the visibility of the casing, for example in a 1/4" plan, the casing is not displayed, but the material it was assigned is!

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-03-02, 05:50 PM
Maybe it's a terminology thing or maybe I'm just in 'weekend' mode but I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve here.

The casing is assigned to a sub-category. If that sub-category is assigned a material, either by category or specificaly, it seems to display as it should in all view types.

If the casing sub-cat is turned off the casing is not visible. You can't turn off the 'visibility' of a material only of the object. What am I not understanding about the intended behaviour?

2008-03-02, 10:15 PM
If I turn off the visibility of the casing, the material assigned to it still displays. So a material indication is shown floating in space. The intended behavior is that if the casing visibility is turned off it should not be visible at all including it's material assignment.

Note that if you don't assign a material to the casing sub-category, and turn it's visibility off it still obscurs the uncut wall material.

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-03-03, 03:21 AM
I think I get it now. The reason the casing obscures the wall is because it is still a solid object and it is cutting the wall face.
If you change the offset for the casing to 0 it will not actually cut the wall but it will still partially obscure the linework for it.
Visibility in the project settings (via object categories) will only control the visibility of the linework related to the object not whether the object will actually appear in the view.
To ensure you get the behaviour you want uncheck the plan/RCP visibility of the casing in the family. If you still want it to show but have a little more control consider using symbolic lines for the plan representation.
I hope that's what you're after.