View Full Version : Line Style Merge?

2007-05-23, 08:07 PM
Here is the question. For example I have two cad drawings inserted into revit. in one detail there is a layer called 1 in the other there is a layer called 1-DETL-THIN. so now I have two different line styles with the same printing parameters just with two different styles. is there an easy way to merge the line styles into 1.

For this example I only used two layers, but in a large project there are so many layers it is ridiculous.

Thanks in advance for any feedback

2007-05-23, 08:54 PM
The only way to do it really is to select all the lines in one detail, change the line types to the one you want, and then do a Purge Unused on the project. If the purge dialog doesn't show you as able to delete the line styles you want to get rid of, then that means it's still in use somewhere.

Sucks having to do it this way, but I don't know of any other way.

2007-05-23, 09:11 PM
The only way to do it really is to select all the lines in one detail, change the line types to the one you want, and then do a Purge Unused on the project. If the purge dialog doesn't show you as able to delete the line styles you want to get rid of, then that means it's still in use somewhere.

Sucks having to do it this way, but I don't know of any other way.
Do the lines show up in your purge dialog? I have never been able to find this.

2007-05-24, 12:21 AM
As far as i know line styles don't purge you have to delete them in the line style dialog box

2007-05-24, 12:56 AM
Note that if you delete a subcategory - Revit doesn't delete any objects using that subcategory. It simply moves them up to the parent level.

2007-05-24, 12:40 PM
Wow that would be hard. I guess you could delete the style and then make the default color something that really shows up like a thick magenta. then go through all the details with those styles one at a time and select them an put them to the style you want.

The easy way is to make sure that all details brought into revit use the same standards, but we all know how hard that is to police.

Thanks for the impute guys

2009-01-13, 05:18 PM
Note that if you delete a subcategory - Revit doesn't delete any objects using that subcategory. It simply moves them up to the parent level.

In case anyone is wondering:

Aaron is right, if you delete a subcategory, in this case a line style, it does not delete any objects. It moves the lines to the parent level, which I just found out, is the "thin lines" line style. which is pretty good, or at least much better than say Pen 16!

2009-01-13, 08:36 PM
Exactly. I generally do this in a blank "in between" project if i need to clean up the lineweights. Bring in the garbag- er, imported and exploded CAD file in to a blank project (this is nice because the ONLY line styles that exist are whats in the project template... IE office standard), then i go in to Line Styles and delete the extraneous line styles until the only ones left are the template ones.

Then i go to the detail, and readminister the lines to the appropriate line styles/weights, and then i bring THAT in to my project.

But deleting linestyles and having things default to something else is a nice change.... Not like deleting a Level, Whoops!