View Full Version : linework problems

2004-07-24, 01:54 PM
I created a extra heavy line to represent the grade on my elevation I see it in my screen fine but it wont print any suggestions?

2004-07-24, 03:00 PM
Hi there,
I run into this kinda thing every once and a while. The first thing you might check is your setting for either Hidden Line or Shading with Edges. Shading with Edges sometimes messes with linework visibility, especially when printing to Revit's PDF writer. (Using underlayed plans in this setting does the same too sometimes on Plan views.)

The only other thing which comes to mind is whether or not you have a topo surface or grading/pad on your project. This may be covering up your new ground line. I would try printing a wireframe view to see what is really there.

Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer; however, it is early Saturday morning. Most of the experts here are resting and learning more Revit-ology!

Good Luck!
Steve Shell

2004-07-24, 03:44 PM
Does the pen weight of the plotter match the line width you have defined? If you have your heavy
line defined as say a 1/4" wide line on pen 16. Be sure pen 16 is defined on your plotter for a 1/4" wide line (obviously, this would need to be some type of raster/inkjet and not a real pen - can you imagine the ink blots on a 1/4" pen? (This could be that the pen table of the plotter is defined as the pen weight of the drawing -there are SO many combinations of pen and plotters, just start your due diligence on solving your problem here)

Anyway, if not, don't use a line, use a black solid fill. You should be able to plot your "base line" then.

2004-07-24, 04:59 PM
I can think of one situation when thick line would be visible correctly on screen but when plotted they would not appear to be thick enough.

If view is defined as hidden line removed then Revit compares depth of objects relative to a viewer and displays only what is visible. Consider a situation when there is a thin line directly on top of a thick one. While on screen Revit will paint pixels of both thick and thin line and pixels of thick line will show because thin line is not wide enough to cover them. However while plotting Revit needs to output picture in vector (not raster) format and performs calculations considering all lines to be of zero thickness. Then thin lines may be considered as hiding lines underneath even though thickness of lines underneath would make them visible on screen. In this case a thin line on top would be plotted making as appearance that thick line underneath is drawn with wrong thickness.

Can your case be interpreted this way?

2004-07-25, 03:11 AM
Wow guys all your explaintions were great and deep, but I found the problem and had to do with the crop box that was partially abscuring the thick line. I removed the crop box and everything was normal. thank you for all your suggestions.