View Full Version : Moving structural braces horizontally

2004-07-24, 11:39 PM
I´m for the moment making detail drawings (and frame planes) for a small wooden building.
The sloped roof is held up by 50x 200 mm lumber c-c 600 mm, angle 25 degrees.
I draw one of these using the structural brace tool ( to slope it 25 degr.) and then I opened a cross-section and tried to copy the brace or array it sideways with 600 mm distance. Why is this movement locked ( as is the moving or copying of a structural beam to different height position in a section, even if "constrain" is switched off. The height position has to be changed in the properties )

I obviously have to create the structural braces one by one, each one in its own framing elevation. Is there a more simple way to create a 3D structural model?

2004-07-28, 03:19 AM
Some further studies in the topic above gave that the braces are movable thoug not copyable by grasping the ref.line in center of them. Tried in this small project to make a 3D structural model in order also to get structural schemes and even (almost) correct details with a minimum effort. For the moment it seems though to be faster to produce these drawings by 2D drafting. The ability to control the structure in 3D is anyway amazing.

Michael Coviello
2005-02-25, 08:18 PM
i'm having the same trouble. I cannot follow your method for moving them. Could you explain further?