View Full Version : Revit 2008 Startup Error - Server Busy

2007-05-27, 11:48 PM
hey everybody

our office has a problem with 2008 for some reason - it displays the following message on startup and just won't go any further. I presume it is some problem with an office wide program such as an anti-virus or something... has anyone else had these issues?

"This action cannot be completed beacasue the other program is busy. Choose 'Switch To' to activate the program and correct the problem."

No indication of which program... hmmm...

Brian Myers
2007-05-27, 11:55 PM
When you say your office, you mean just one computer is getting this error or the entire office? Also (and likely not the issue) what kind of License do you have? (Stand alone or network?)

2007-05-28, 03:21 AM
thats a Windows Error, it's not related to Revit. What are the specs of the machines ?

Mr Spot
2007-05-28, 04:22 AM
I've seen that error on 2 of my machines in the past few weeks. Once on my computer and once on my bosses laptop which doesn't have revit installed.

Mine i resolved by restarting the computer and all was fine.

My bosses I resolved by clicking the buttons repeatedly until the stupid screen went away. I've since disabled Automatic Updates as it seems lately the windows are updates and screwing up more systems than they are helping...

M$ maybe sending out bodgy updates so we all shift to vista, maybe... Nonetheless its very annoying.

2007-06-04, 05:01 AM
Thanks for all of your replies guys - i checked this post quickly last week but was still left scratching my head. It was definitely profile related, as some peoples accounts worked and others didn't on the same PC's. Also, same accounts didn't work no matter which PC.

ANYWAY, to cut a long story short, the IT guy installed latest windows updates over the weekend and everything is back to normal now. Way!

thanl\ks again!

clog boy
2007-06-04, 11:58 AM
An update is also referred to as a bugrelease... now you know why XD

2007-07-10, 12:16 AM
Okay guys. We are getting this error again. I presume nobody else is getting it as there are no posts regarding this error on the site at all.

We are still waiting on Microsoft to get back to us, but can anybody shed any more light on thi issue?