View Full Version : LTScale / PSLTScale v's MSLTScale

2007-05-29, 07:46 PM
I use to set my ltscale for half of my drafting scale (48 for a 1/8" scale drawing) and then turn on psltscale. I then had a reactor running that would change the ltscale when in paperspace to 0.5.

It looks like I can set my ltscale to 0.5 and let msltscale (new) run the show. Is this what is expected? Is this what everyone is going to do?


2007-05-30, 01:17 AM
It works rather well...

MSLTSCALE = 1, PSLTSCALE = 1, LTSCALE = 1 or 0.5 (depending on preference).

The big question is "Why wasn't it like this to start with?" :)

2007-06-13, 11:25 PM
It works rather well...

MSLTSCALE = 1, PSLTSCALE = 1, LTSCALE = 1 or 0.5 (depending on preference).

The big question is "Why wasn't it like this to start with?" :)

I set up our startup file to use the above settings and so far nobody here has noticed (did it just after I posted the pole). I guess that is another good thing that goes unnoticed.


Augi Doggie
2007-06-17, 04:34 PM
I use to set my ltscale for half of my drafting scale (48 for a 1/8" scale drawing) and then turn on psltscale. I then had a reactor running that would change the ltscale when in paperspace to 0.5.

It looks like I can set my ltscale to 0.5 and let msltscale (new) run the show. Is this what is expected? Is this what everyone is going to do?

I hope there isn't some confusion here about what MSLTSCALE actually does, you shouldn't use MSLTSCALE instead of the others. A setting of 0 behaves like previous versions of AutoCAD, a setting of 1, scales linetypes displayed in the model tab by the current annotation scale.

So basically, set all three LTSCALE, PSLTSCALE and MSLTSCALE to 1 and your linetypes will look right in your model space and layout tabs.

The biggest benefit that I'm looking forward to is that it will stop the incessant whining from Engineers that the linetypes look right in paperspace but they don't see them displayed properly in modelspace.

2007-11-27, 12:38 PM
We've used the following settings in the past.
LTscale = 1
PSLTscale = 0
CELTscale set to the scale we expect to use in the viewport (i.e. 50, if we scale the viewport to 1:50)
The advantage we have is that that complex linetypes are "fixed", & don't change because of a mutliplication between the various settings.
I feel that MSLTscale works too much like PSLTscale, in that the appearance can go "off"