View Full Version : Another Active Retirement Community

2004-07-26, 03:21 PM
Some of my lastest work. Lately, I am finding it faster to composite trees post render in photoshop, rather than bothering with ar3 trees.

as always, C&C welcome.


2004-07-26, 05:24 PM
Is the site plan all Revit? Shaded view w/ Photoshop shadows?

Scott Hopkins
2004-07-26, 05:42 PM
I like the site plan graphics as well. Looks to me as if with were made with something other that Revit.

2004-07-26, 05:58 PM
Photoshop really is worth it. The more I learn the better.

Scott D Davis
2004-07-26, 06:14 PM

As always, very nice models and renderings. You continually prove to be among the Revit Elite users!

I'm glad to hear you are doing Active Retirement Communities. Those Inactive Retirement Communities just don't have as much design potential! :grin:

2004-07-26, 09:13 PM
Thanks for the comments.

The site plan was drawn in Autocad/Revit, and rendered in photoshop. I've been doing site plans in photoshop for two years now, and I have a pretty good system down so it only takes about 20 mins to 40 mins to color them. Revisions are another story :roll:

anyway, photoshop can be your best friend, it must learn tool IMHO,

here are the "raw" revit renders for comparison.

2004-07-26, 09:29 PM
Funny Z, but the raw renderings make me think of 10-20 days from certificate of occupancy and the GC is screaming at the landscaper to get their butts on site and get this thing finished!! But he's behind on three other jobs and he's promised to start...next Monday...

2004-07-27, 02:11 PM
Nice work as usual Chris. I noticed that there isn't any on-site water retention. Is it not required in your neck of the woods?

Scott Hopkins
2004-07-27, 06:32 PM

Can you give us some idea of Photoshop tools & filters you used to create the site plan? Did you make the building shadows in Photoshop?

2004-07-27, 07:05 PM
I really like that tree...is it accurender, RPC, or photoshoped in?
If that is accurender, would love to add it to default templates.
(our default trees aren't as well trimmed and full of convincing foliage)

2004-07-27, 07:50 PM
Good eye bclarch, on site retention is required, and will probably be tunked in under the drive on the right. At this point, we didn't want ot be locked into a location, this is still quite conceptual.


The trees are p'shopd in. I got them via my membership at www.got3d.com (http://www.got3d.com)

Scott, I will try to put together a breif write-up of the site plan process.