View Full Version : how to convert autocad blocks (inserts) into components (family instances)

2007-06-01, 03:10 PM
Hello everybody,
is there any way to convert autocad blocks to instances of family (created from autocad block definition) - I've got project in autocad, with furniture and other repeating geometry as autocad blocks, I'd like to continue with the project in REVIT, but don't want to reinstert all of the furniture again with REVIT families, but on the other way I know, that I'll be changing furniture positions and geometry of furniture definitions as the project advances.
That is / is there any way to tell REVIT during autocad import, that block definition AAA is to converted to Revit general family and all of its instances to Revit family instances? (The other benefit would be, that it would be schedulable)

Thanks, regards Frantisek Stafek

2007-06-01, 04:05 PM
I imagine that with the API this would be possible but there's nothing OTB that'll do what you want. What I might do is consider linking the furniture into the Revit View and Exporting the corresponding plan view from Revit to use as an XREF-Overlay in AutoCAD... at least until you have time to recreate the blocks as families (remember that they don't "have" to be 3D or parametric) in Revit and locate them in your project.