View Full Version : Regenerating way too often during sketch mode...

2007-06-01, 03:30 PM
I usually am not the guy to complain about something I like very much....but it is umbelievably slow to just sketch a few lines during sketch mode (Site Boundary). I have been picking lines which usually is the fastest....well, after getting frustrated on the speed, I thought, well, I will just "click, click, click, click" away, since I am not interested in total accurace at this point....

Well...it regerates on all of my slight moves...so i turn off snaps and tracking.....thinking ok, it needs time to figure this out, I don't care, so I won't need the tracking, nor the snapping....wrong. When I stop moving, or slow down my cursor moving, Revit regerates, and it takes a while...

Why does it need to regerate so often, even while I am in sketch mode?

BTW, I am in wireframe mode, with or without the topography turned on, and with all my other windows closed (all I have is an autocad site plan and a simple mass single object)

2007-06-01, 03:51 PM
If your sketches get too complex (too many tiny lines and arcs in different directions) sometimes they get really slow for every time you draw another line Revit's thinking about all the other lines already drawn and how your new line or trimming relates to the rest. I've run into this when pulling really complex Illistrator drawings into Revit to base sketches off of.

But you say that this is with a site line, which is odd. Is this happening all the time when you edit that line? Sometimes I've noticed with 2008 that if I haven't Saved to Central in an hour or two things will start to bog. If you've been in sketch mode for a long time working on something complex things will sometimes slow down because of this. Or at least that's my experience. So I get to a point where I can Finish my sketch ok (just closing it off temporarily), Save to Central, then go back to editing it...

2007-06-03, 01:54 AM
Thanks Jeffrey for giving some insight, but after rebooting, and deciding to make "smaller" chuncks for each "Site Boundary" it is still dragging its feet...its kinda frustrating, I don't remember it being so slow in the past...am wondering if it is the file, 2008, or my computer....

Anyways, thanks again...
Take care,


If your sketches get too complex (too many tiny lines and arcs in different directions) sometimes they get really slow for every time you draw another line Revit's thinking about all the other lines already drawn and how your new line or trimming relates to the rest. I've run into this when pulling really complex Illistrator drawings into Revit to base sketches off of.

But you say that this is with a site line, which is odd. Is this happening all the time when you edit that line? Sometimes I've noticed with 2008 that if I haven't Saved to Central in an hour or two things will start to bog. If you've been in sketch mode for a long time working on something complex things will sometimes slow down because of this. Or at least that's my experience. So I get to a point where I can Finish my sketch ok (just closing it off temporarily), Save to Central, then go back to editing it...

2007-06-03, 03:16 AM
I saw this last week with a user editing a large subregion sketch representing asphalt on a site. Slooooow. She gave up.

2007-06-03, 12:36 PM
Site tools need work, this is just another exampe. The only solution is do duem many small subregions, but you have to get the connector lines dead aligned.

2007-06-04, 01:43 AM
Why does it need to regenerate on each command? I understand when I move, pan, zoom, change view, etc.....

I know that if you have other views open, but they are not your main one (hidden behind the current view) that the view doesn't regenerate...when you click on the view, it then regenerates (sometimes there is a lag, and you see the old view, and then the regenerated current view) Why can't it do the same thing?

I am not adding trees, and after each insertion, it regenerates....it takes about 10 seconds, or so....10-20 seconds for each tree....that's crazy.....I have a bit of trees to place here....

If I zoom to a view, and quickly add all my trees, and the view doesn't regenerate....it won't hurt me. as soon as I pan, zoom, or change view...then it can regenerate...I will wait then....I don't mind...

Hmm....sorry to drag you guys in how I feel right now...but I have an incomplete site (boundary) and not even close the right amount of trees....I still need to do some massing, but it all needs to be there for me to use this model.....

Hmm....ok, take care....

Peace and Love,


2007-06-04, 01:49 AM
Sorry...I just counted my last tree addition....it took 32 seconds from once I clicked on the screen, until it ended regeneration and I was able to pick my second location..... 10 trees 320-330 seconds? That is 5 and a half minutes for 10 trees? Where is the efficiency!!!!!

2007-06-04, 02:01 AM
I clicked on my first tree at 9:54, when i clicked on my 10th tree (and I did it as fast and as focused as possible) and I saw the clock turned to 10:00 while waiting, and than I waited 10 more seconds for it to finish regenerating....that is more than 6 minutes for 10 trees.....aargh...

2007-06-04, 02:18 AM
Hi Luigi, sounds like something unusual is really bogging things down. It would be neat to see a screenshot or something to get an idea of what you're dealing with.

Do you think the trees are slowing things down? Maybe you could replace the trees temporarily with a generic placeholder until you finish editing the site, then re-load the real trees at the very end?

Good luck!

clog boy
2007-06-04, 12:03 PM
We also have this when sketching mullion profiles for windows. (2 to 3 line actions a second). Could it be related to having a network license and a slow network?

2007-06-04, 12:33 PM
2 sep issues here both are very annoying and you have a great file to send to support.

1. line sketching-basically I've asked many times for sketch mode to be "dumb" however I don't think the factor understands the issue. What I understand to be happening is lines are just like walls, they look for connections and relationships and they are actually worse than walls because you draw more of them closer together so revit starts calculating all kinds of relationships that are NOT important. A profile or a boundary may want relationships but I bet the forum would agree that 90% of the time we don't want revit to do this.

2. Tree placement - the problem here is you have a sloped site and revit will place the tree on the slope, pretty cool but very slow calculations to figure out the height as you drag.
There is a workaround for this turn off your topo place all your trees in plan, then re host them to your topo.

At any rate both issues sound like you can show the factor easily the issues we face so please do.

clog boy
2007-06-04, 01:06 PM
Walls are just like lines, me guesses (line-based components).
I'd also like to turn snapping off every now and then when drawing walls, sketching lines, etc. I wish one would be able to do so generally (and it takes effort not to say 'just like with AutoCAD').

One question remains (at least for me): is Revit checking for a license file every single action? If so, a slow network or huge traffic can rage rampage through your productive hours.