View Full Version : Using Pads for cut & fill???

2007-06-01, 03:48 PM
Does anyone know if there is anyway to use a 'pad' to schedule cut and fill...or something similar to this? If I've got a site and want to plop a building down on it, I want to be able to determine the amount of earth removed or added by placing the pad in it. Using the Graded Region tool for cut and fill calcs doesn't necessarily do what I want it to. i want it to act like the Pad tool does and just carve out a hole in the topo. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


2007-06-01, 05:54 PM
After placing your pad, select it, and go to properties. The perimeter, area, and volume will be listed there.

2007-06-01, 06:03 PM
that gives you the properties of the pad....not the amount displaced by the pad

2007-06-01, 07:59 PM
...just make sure you have phasing going, and schedule the topos, not pads...I followed the help files on this (search for "cut"); here is an exerpt from it:

Cut and Fill Reporting with Building Pads

If you add a building pad to a graded surface, you will see cut and fill reported separately for the pad and the toposurface in a topography schedule. This is because the pad divides the graded surface into two surfaces: one is the surface under the pad, and one is the surface not under the pad.

You should name both the graded surface and the pad surface in order to distinguish them in your schedule.

To select the surface under the pad, you can press TAB to prehighlight it, or you can turn off the pad's visibility.