View Full Version : HATCH showing incorrectly due to phasing?

2007-06-01, 05:44 PM
Alright - here's a phasing problem that's not for the faint of heart! Here's the situation: we have a fill pattern that we use as a cut pattern in our walls to show a one hour rating. We have a 1 HR rated wall that's set to an EXISTING phase, but when it shows up in a view whose phase is set to NEW CONSTRUCTION, the fill turns SOLID. The wall's cut pattern shows fine if the wall's creation phase is adjusted to new construction, but goes back to solid grey fill when it's adjusted back to existing phase creation. I tried revising the scale of the fill pattern (creating a new one with a large hatch scale) and discovered that it will show correctly if the scale is increased, but at the current hatch scale or smaller, it's always solid fill grey. To my knowledge, this scale issue only occurs on model hatches seen in elevation where the surface is at an oblique angle to the current view - in which the hatch, rather than showing its detail, simply turns solid. Though, since this wall is NOT oblique, it is strange that is its connected to the PHASING. Has anyone encountered this before?

I've tried fiddling with the graphic overrides of the phasing, but can't adjust much as they are fine tuned to get things to communicate correctly in other views.

Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated!

2008-03-27, 02:12 AM
Reviving an old thread. We have the same problem and I'm wondering if anyone has come up with a solution to this.

Simply put, How can you show an existing rated wall and a new rated wall in the same plan? The only solution I've been able to figure out is as follows: Set the phase filter for existing work to BY CATEGORY, this will then display existing work normally, right alongside new work. Then use filters to select the existing work and halftone it. The only problem is that filters don't appear to be able to filter by the phase of an object. We would have to add another parameter to EVERY familty category or rename family types used in the existing phases and filter by that. This will work but adds another layer of managment with the potential to mess it up, and graphically, the existing wall will appear, but the rated pattern will also be halftoned.

Any other ideas?

2008-03-27, 01:24 PM
hmm interesting question... I thought you could change the material override of existing objects to display <By Category> but that option is not available.

I think the easiest method would be to duplicate your wall types to create types with EXISTING or something similar in the type name, and then set up a filter so that all walls with EXISTING in their name get gray-colored cut lines.

You would also have to set up your Phase Overrides so that the Show Previous + New filter displays existing objects as By Category (instead of overridden). This will allow whatever fill pattern you have set up for fire walls to display properly.

When you apply the filter to your view, you will need to change both cut line and cut pattern to override to a different color.

Here's a sample I just did. Check out my filter settings, and also the phase filter settings for Show Previous + New.

2008-03-28, 03:56 AM
. . . or under phase setting > graphic overrides set the material for the existing phase graphic override to <none>. This allows whatever pattern shows under <by category> to display even when <overridden> is selected in your phase filter. Of course, the line weights will still be overridden.

2008-03-28, 03:13 PM

Thats exactly the solution I was looking for. Don't know why I didn't see that before. Thanks!