View Full Version : Past its end?

2007-06-01, 09:18 PM
I was trying to open a file I had worked on all day, saved onto the FTP site and downloaded onto my laptop at home and it came up with the error 'An attempt was made to access [file name].rvt past its end.

When I clicked 'Ok', it shut down Revit and an error saying 'An Autodesk product failed to send the required value for SERIALNUM. The error report sent to Autodesk may be incomplete.' So I sent the error report, but don't know what it's missing...

When I came into the office this morning, the file on the network was doing the same thing, so I opened a backup file and tried to save it over. It wouldn't let me so I ended up having to erase the main file and then resave the backup file.

Has anyone else ever run into this? And what does 'past its end mean?!

2007-06-01, 11:47 PM
Has anyone else ever run into this? And what does 'past its end mean?!
Yes, I've seen it happen. It pretty much means the file is toast.

If it ever happens again, file a support request and attach the project file along with any related journal files. That's really the only way for Autodesk to to determine what happened and fix the bugs that cause bad things to happen.

2007-06-02, 12:06 AM
Has anyone else ever run into this? And what does 'past its end mean?!

When you get this message it typically means the file is corrupt and can't be recovered. You can file a support request and the issue that caused the problem but more than likely the file will still not be able to be recovered.

2007-06-02, 01:02 AM
Ftp will trash your revit file. Make a zip of it then ftp. This has happened to me and ftp was the cause. strange because all other know file types work with ftp just fine.

2007-06-02, 01:24 AM
Ftp will trash your revit file. Make a zip of it then ftp. This has happened to me and ftp was the cause. strange because all other know file types work with ftp just fine.
The mention of FTP is a red herring. The error doesn't have anything to do with FTP.

FTP treats revit files just like any other file. Maybe your FTP software had a problem with Revit files for whatever odd reason?

2007-06-02, 03:04 AM
i understand the logic. But I have corrupted a 11,000 SF custom home and another project just after ftp. It may be because I had the revit file open during ftp (maybe I even saved to it during ftp come to think of it, hmmm)