View Full Version : Switching Open Projects ?

2004-07-26, 04:46 PM
What is the best way to switch between two open projects. It seems that Revit mixes the windows from all open projects together. I tried my ADT trick of ctrl/tab but I just get another window in the same project. Any suggestions?

Scott Hopkins
2004-07-26, 05:32 PM
Two options:

Option one: Choose the project view you want from the "windows" tab at the upper screen menu.

Option two: Use the "close hidden windows" command on each project. With only one window open in each project, you can then quickly switch back and forth between each project using the Ctrl+tab keys.

Scott D Davis
2004-07-26, 05:34 PM
You are on the right track for one of the ways that I know how. Just keep hitting ctrl-tab, watching the window bar at the top of the revit window, until you see the project name:view name you are looking for. If you have several open windows in a cuurent project, it will go through those first. You can go to the Window>Close Hidden Windows function, so that the first ctrl-tab will go right to the next project.

Also, you can go to the Window pull down, which will have a list of open views, and select a view from the other project to switch to.

You are correct in that all windows, regardless of project, are 'lumped' together.

Maybe a wishlist item? I think the Project Browser 'blue bar windows header' (whats the official name, anyway?) should have the ability to click on it, and that would have a drop down list of projects to slect.

2004-07-26, 06:39 PM
Thanks, I was hoping I was missing 'the trick'. Yes, I agree a keyboard shortcut to switch between the last open views of different projects is needed. As well as the dropdown list. Should we go ahead and add it to the wish list or has that been done?

2004-07-26, 08:36 PM
OK, here's the 'TRICK'

Open Revit, (close the default blank / empty project) and open the first file.

Then open another instance of Revit. Repeat the above but for the second file.

Then Alt-Tab to your hearts content.

(Don't know how this will affect your log file it things go wrong and you need to send your file and log to Revit Support)

2004-07-26, 11:03 PM
Will this use double the computer resources?

Scott D Davis
2004-07-26, 11:27 PM
Revit only uses memory for open views. If you have a ton af views open for each project, you will notice the effect. Use "Close Hidden Windows" to gain some performance back.