View Full Version : Break line printing problems

David Sammons
2004-07-26, 07:11 PM
I am using the 'Break Line' detail component for sections and I get very inconsistent printing results. When I print a PDF, DWF or to a printer, sometimes the fill region for the break line prints black and at other times it prints fine. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Dave S.

2004-07-26, 07:43 PM
Many hae had similar problems. It should resolve itself if you switch from BW to greyscale when you print. However in early releases of 6 it printed black in all modes

2004-07-27, 03:18 PM
I have this problem also.

But on my elevations, it's a real pain.
I have included a picture to show my problem.

The left side is plotted in grayscale, the right side is B/W
This is something that didn't happen pre release 6 (not that I can remember)

And as Dave found out, all solid white filled regions plot as black in B/W mode (downspouts on right side)

This is the other problem I am having.

The CMU Surface pattern and earth Cut pattern plot dotted in grayscale.
The preview shows the CMU lines as lighter lines, but it plots this way on my HP 650c
I'll update my plotter driver and try again.
I'm using R6.1 Build 20040306_0300

Has anyone had problems with the patterns plotting like this?

2004-07-27, 06:59 PM
Here is the workaround for the solid fill problem from Robert Mencarini at Revit.

Here is the recommended resolution to your support request:
This is a known issue in the current release of Revit. It appears to be fixed in the next major release of Revit due out later this year.

The only workaround I have for you at the moment is to change the Revit print settings to either Grayscale or Color. If you are using the HP 650c driver you might want to also try setting the driver to convert all lines to pure black. That may help avoid the Revit issue, but still allow the correct line quality.
How I did It:

Printing straight from Revit: (I have HP plotter, but it may be the same for others)
In the Settings DB under Apperance - set Colors: to Grayscale or Color
Then go to the Properties DB to the Options Tab - Click on Color as Grayscale and click on Color Control and click on Convert colors to pure black

Printing to PDF or DWF: - Don't convert the colors to black untill you print from the pdf or dwf file.

Hope this helps
