View Full Version : Create accurate sections from Slice Planes

2007-06-05, 08:41 AM
Hi, sorry for my bad english.
So I got a high-poly head, smoething simillar to the well-known Zbrush heads, about 2mil polygons when is subdivided. I want 3DS max to make a various number of slices along Z axis with planes parallel to (x,y) plane, wich results to Splines that I want to cut in foam cutter,
The problems are:

1. Theese slices whatever way I can get them from Max would be e 3rd order splines
wich I have to lower their order to 2nd to be a cutable polylines.

2 Whit the lower order there will be a lot of interpolation if I use some algorithm to do this instead of me, I definately will use some because I think there will be about min 45-50 slices wich is very hard to DIY. I will surely loose a significant % of the accuracy wich will result in the final assemblying of the model.

Wich is the best way to get theese 3rd order splines with max % accuracy?

Wich is the best algorithym for lowering the order with minimum loose of accuracy after the interpolation?

2007-06-05, 05:08 PM

Look in the spline section in the create tab in MAX. There is an object called Section. Create one of these and then you can use the array tool to make as many as you want at however many intervals you need. Then once they are created select them individually or all at once and right click and convert to spline. You may have to weld them at this point...but you should be left with a bunch of spline sections of the model. Then you can either turn on adaptive in the interpolation type for each of the lines or you could go one step further and right click and change the spline into a nurbs curve.

Hope this helps.