View Full Version : Existing rooms on new plan

2007-06-05, 03:06 PM
Just to make sure that I've got this correct, or maybe I'm overlooking something. If I create existing rooms, and then switch the phase to new construction, the existing rooms won't show anymore (because they seem to be phase dependent), but I still want them tagged as existing rooms on the new plan. So, to do that I need to create new rooms in the same spots and tag them with existing looking tags?

2007-06-05, 03:44 PM
If the existing walls are not showing, check your phase filter, and set it to i.e. "show all"

They will show then, and in lieu of tagging them, use the default graphic overide to show them as existing or create your own....

2007-06-05, 04:33 PM
Yes, rooms are limited to one phase. This is wrong in my opinion as I think they should have phase created and phase demolished parameters just like other model elements. Now that they are actual elements it should be doable, but it is possible now.

To show that existing rooms continue into the the next phase of work you should copy/paste them into a view assigned to the next phase. This will create new rooms but use the same names and parameters as the existing. You'll need to set up your schedules to show the correct phase as needed.

2007-06-05, 07:00 PM
Thanks, that works! Filtering the rooms could be a potential pain though, depending on the numbers used on the existing rooms they could be hard to weed out, since the duplicate of the existing rooms are considered new rooms.

2007-06-05, 09:26 PM
Add a comment to existing rooms and filter for that.

2007-06-05, 10:17 PM
Good idea! An 'Existing' Yes/No Parameter added to the rooms does the trick for filtering.

2007-06-06, 05:28 AM
Thanks, that works! Filtering the rooms could be a potential pain though, depending on the numbers used on the existing rooms they could be hard to weed out, since the duplicate of the existing rooms are considered new rooms.

I don't normally place room tags in existing rooms unless they are affected in any way by the renovated or modification work. however, if I place room tags then I do include an (E) along with the room name as an indication this is an existing room. If the existing room won't be affected by the renovation/modification work at all then I would simply just place an annotation, not a tag, of what the room is representing with an (E), of course, and I don't need to show them on any of the schedules.
Works out just fine for me.

2007-06-06, 02:38 PM
That's OK, but we have clients who are very particular about the room numbering of existing rooms not changing from it's original numbering even if it is just an E for existing, B for basement, or a 1- or 2- before the number to indicate what floor it's on.