View Full Version : wall foundations and corners

2007-06-05, 09:29 PM
Has anyone seen this before? We have a wall that is coming to a corner. There is storefront embeded in the corner so we have to use edit profile to create the corner cut (there will be a small piece of wall left if we don't.

The problem is that it seems that when you edit the profile and cut at the end of the wall, it puts a piece of the wall foundation in at the top of the cut. See attached for an image.

Any idea how to get around this?

Matt Brennan
2007-06-05, 09:38 PM
LOL, that is too funny. I have never seen that before. Could it be another 2008 bug? I'm guessing you could always split the walls so you don't a footing on your upper floor.

2007-06-05, 09:45 PM
yeah, I can't get it to go away for anything. Good idea about splitting the walls though, maybe we'll try that. we can always just use a wall type, but the tool should work...

We will submit to support...

Matt Brennan
2007-06-05, 09:47 PM
You could alway use the new visibility settings and hide it but you will have to do that to every view.

I would either create a new level or just adjust the base/top offsets to give it a split and like you said, use the join geometry tool to clean up the wall.

2007-06-05, 10:01 PM
Yeah, I thought about the vis settings, but the problem is that you can't separate the part that we want (at the bottom of the wall) from the "suggested lintel" piece. we would have to hide the whole thing, and in every view. I think we'll just make the stem wall a different wall from the main wall.

thanks for the help

Matt Brennan
2007-06-05, 10:04 PM
No worries Steve. I happy that I could help out. I'm sure one day you will return the favor.