View Full Version : section and callout tags in new views

2007-06-06, 02:17 PM
we recently wrapped up a project just in time for the owner to decide that phase 2 should just be part of phase 1. i've got some plan callouts and a few section markers on the overall plan that are now part of a new enlarged sheet. hiding the annotations on the overall is no problem. but i can't find the callouts and sections are my enlarged plan (which is a new callout). these details are already drawn so i'm very hesitant to just make a new view. is there somewhere i can tell revit to turn all hidden annotation back on? if not, how do i find the tags?

2007-06-06, 09:28 PM
BUMP...please tell me there is a way to find the callouts...

2007-06-06, 09:52 PM
Are you working in RAC 2008? If so, then you should be able to click on the "Reveal Hidden Elements" button (next to the Temp Hide/Isolate) to view your hidden annotations and then turn them back on.


2007-06-06, 10:03 PM
i'm in revit 9.1. do you mean the temp isolate/hide at the bottom of the view window? i don't see any 'reveal hidden elements'. is this still possible in 9.1?

2007-06-06, 10:22 PM
Unfortunately...no. :sad: But there is something that might work for you. Open your callout view or section view and right click on it and select "Find Referring Views." A pop up window should come up and ask you to pick a view. Select whichever one it was placed in and click open view. The callout/section tag should now be selected in the view and you can right click on it and select "Show Annotation in View." The method I mentioned earlier is really slick as individual elements can be hidden and revealed easily, but it is only a 2008 feature.



2007-06-06, 10:36 PM
the problem is i'm trying to hide them in the view i created them in...(which was easy) and get them to show up in a new callout. when i created them they were all alone in phase 1 so i put a callout for them on the overall plan. as i mentioned, now the client has decided to include phase 1 into phase 2 and the details are now in an area that needs to be enlarged. firm drafting policy is 'no callouts within callouts', so i need these callouts to 'hide' on the overall plan ( where i originally placed them) and show up in my new enlarged plan.

i've got to wonder why this functionality would be taken away.

in a related topic i also need revit to understand that a callout is really a section cut when viewed from another angle... does anyone know if it knows this?...

2007-06-06, 11:13 PM
Oh, I see now...I think. You had a bunch of callouts in a view, and then made a new callout around them to enlarge the area and then hid the smaller callouts. Now in your new callout you want to reveal the previously hidden callouts. Correct? The problem is that callouts are view specific (fairly certain anyway) so you need to copy them over. If so, then you should be able to select all of the desired callouts that you hid (they should still pop up when the mouse hovers over them) in your original view and then select Edit > Copy to Clipboard. Now go to your new callout view and then select Edit > Paste Aligned > Same Place. All of the callouts should keep the same orientation, size etc and you should be able to select them. I hope this is what you're looking for and I'm not way off base here...



2007-06-07, 01:01 PM
thanks, i'll give it a try.... copying... sheeesh after all the menu hopping - could it be that simple

2007-06-07, 01:34 PM
well i tried it and i did get callouts on the enlarged plan but the tags are empty... it created new views. i'm guessing i have to recreate the detail sheet with the original views (details) being replaced by the new... or is there a way to tell revit to just place the tag in the same spot and be the same detail.

2007-06-07, 01:55 PM
If you were to just simply create a new callout, on your options bar you have the ability to Reference another view. This will eliminate the creation of additional views in your browser. If the view you are referencing exists on a sheet, the tag information will update.

When you copy callouts you will get a new view in your browser and conversely, if you duplicate a callout view in your browser you will get a new callout annotation.

2007-06-07, 02:00 PM
that was my absolute fall back because our tag is already set in this BIM to say 'SIM' when we reference another detail... we talked about doing this and then just grabbing the white out when we print...

2007-06-07, 05:00 PM
Oops. I forgot about that. :Oops:
Well there is a way to get close to what you want without all the extra views, but you will have to drag the views on to your sheets again. Go to your original callout view and drag a selection box around everything including the view extents box, and then filter out all model categories so that just tags, annotations, detail items, and view are selected. Now with these items selected go to your original plan window so that it is the active window. Next click on Edit > Cut (will not be available in the callout view window). A warning message will tell you that your detail/callout view will be deleted, which you want to accept. Now go to your new callout view (the one that will house the smaller callouts) and click on Edit > Paste Aligned > Same Place. The view should remember its previous name, and all of the view settings, annotations, etc should come with it. All you have to do now is drag the view back on to whichever sheet it was on and your done! Whew! No duplicate views to mess with or replace (or whiteout I might add). This method should work, but I don't know if it is easier to just recreate the detail sheet with the new views replacing the old.

Oh, and on a side note this is MUCH easier to accomplish in RAC 2008 for future projects. There is an option under "element properties" of callout views called "Show in" that lets you display the callout in any view that intersects it. Very handy. :)
