View Full Version : Filled regions converting to masking regions

GS Fulton
2007-06-06, 02:43 PM
We took an old building file to use as a template for a new project (Old done in V9, converted to RAC 2008 ) After setting up the model we go to look at the details (from the old job) and most of the fill patterns in the details have been converted to masking regions. Is this a bug? It's kind of a big problem because our details are no longer reading the way they should. Is there a workaround for this?

George F

2007-06-06, 06:12 PM
Did the filled regions in the previous version contain patterns other than solid white? I thought this was supposed to be the prequisite for 2008 to use when translating filled regions to masking regions. If not, how do the masking regions differ from the previous filled regions?