View Full Version : Dimension Text???

2007-06-07, 08:22 PM
Is it possible to create text under your dim line similar to autocad? Where your text is part of the dim., other then using the prefix or suffix.

If not, this would be a good wish list item !!


2007-06-07, 08:55 PM
I don't think that you're able to do that... There is no family edit for dimensions...

But yes it is a great idea because there are times where I as well have wanted to do that as well and have had to add text underneath the dimension...

Sorry i couldnt help further...

2007-06-08, 02:42 AM
Is it possible to create text under your dim line similar to autocad? Where your text is part of the dim., other then using the prefix or suffix.

If not, this would be a good wish list item !!

thanksDefinitely cannot do this. It probably will come the day the text editor gets an upgrade. I am sure the developers are mindful of this.


2007-06-08, 06:18 AM
Definitely cannot do this. It probably will come the day the text editor gets an upgrade. I am sure the developers are mindful of this.


Who knows... Maybe.... We never have any communication with the Dev. Team of Revit... Maybe because there is no serious development

2007-07-05, 05:54 AM
This has been a problem that has plagued our firm since the early versions. When will they get this right and think of the day to day drafting work that is done.

2007-07-05, 06:38 AM
Robert, Keith you seem to be new to the forum. Save yourself a lot of disappointment by thinking of new features not in terms of months but rather years. This is not Autocad - sorry you will have to learn to survive with whats here - development is damn slooooow. Otherwise Revit will do whatever you want with a few - dare I say - workarounds. At the end of the day - trust me - these minor items are not really all that important. Just trying to steer you away from some of my past frustations.

Good luck.

clog boy
2007-07-05, 06:57 AM
Just stop thinking about Revit like it's a traditional CAD program. Using a line-based family with textspace or a label will do the trick for ya. Revit won't 'rush' (you) into the wrong direction, instead it will gradually 'shape' (you) into something new and relevant.
It's all about building a more or less realistic model. One with a shipload of information.

2007-07-05, 02:14 PM
You know what is really annoying? People who want Revit to be like AutoCAD.


I really appreciate not being able to cheat on the dimensions. Using the workarounds provides most of us from making mistakes that would cost a lot more than the time you spend on the workaround.

My opinion

2007-07-05, 03:34 PM
Cant you just add the text and then add the leaders off from the text to wherever you want them to point? Then just modify your leaders how you want them?

2007-07-05, 03:58 PM
Placing text under a dimension line is not "cheating a dimension". AutoCAD users saw a need for this and the feature was added. Revit users have seen a need for this also. This does not mean that they want Revit to be like AutoCAD, it only means that they have the same need.

2007-07-05, 05:25 PM

I would like to see just the same as you - problem is that we will never see it nor a text editor - someone seems to have a point to prove and hell or high water I doubt if Revit will ever have these features in the forseable future.

2007-07-05, 05:38 PM
I don't know about that...

I'm susceptible to my own fits of hopelessness when it comes to features in Revit, but I doubt this is one of the features we'll never see. The request is based on the desire to tie notes to a dimension, thereby making Revit more intelligent, not less. There are plenty of requests for features out there that go against the grain of Revit, or that are just so difficult to implement that they'll never happen unless a huge group of users really forces Autodesk's hands. This doesn't fit into either of those categories. Heck, Autodesk already gave us a header and a footer in dimensions for drafting purposes, why not an underline note field?

Then again, Autodesk could simply ignore your request directly and instead decide to give users a lot more control over annotations and adding parameters and labels to these annotations. Then, we could all make dimensions work the way we want them to...

2007-07-05, 05:43 PM
Text Editor don't even bother to talk about it.
If you search the forum for Text Editor is mentioned as far back as 2003.
I will go wish for it again.

2007-07-06, 03:34 AM
It's good that you are all discussing items that you would like to see in future releases. Just be careful that you don't confuse a "good idea" with a "necessary modification". Autodesk, like any application development company, has limited resources and has to prioritize where to spend their money. Considerations have to be made about how much development time would be necessary for an item versus how requested an item is and how "necessary" to the proper use of Revit it is.

Personally, there are other (more important and more difficult to solve) issues that I would like to see "resolved". The item you mentioned would be a nice addition and I would definitely have plenty of use for it. I also must use a "work around" to achieve what you are talking about. However, I would like to see Autodesk use their resources to repair or revise other, more basic and more essential, issues first.

2007-07-06, 02:00 PM
Hey there,

Hi Mike...nice to see you again!
I agree. (Like maybe having dependent view crop regions "snap" to a match line......)

Good Luck!

2007-07-06, 02:17 PM
Autodesk, like any application development company, has limited resources and has to prioritize where to spend their money. Considerations have to be made about how much development time would be necessary for an item versus how requested an item is and how "necessary" to the proper use of Revit it is.To be certain, there are always given challenges that derive from time and resource constraints, however, I don't understand the defense stance taken by many users (I mean has Autodesk donated a kidney for you or something). Revit (and ACA and even CAD, for that matter) are extremely expensive licenses, and now that they are requiring subscriptions (for Revit anyway), they are pulling that much more from our pockets. I, therefore, expect a lot more in return. I'm not trying to start the whole value of subscriptions debate again (we'll save that for another day), but the addressing of fundamental drafting issues between releases should be expected - especially if its been on the wish list since 2003. I don't know. Maybe I'm unique in wanting to get something in return for my money?

2007-07-06, 02:35 PM
I'm with you Randall. I want value for my hard earned dollars and I don't see why I should cut Autodesk anymore slack than I would my local car repair shop. (Where is that Google Earth plug-in I paid for anyway?) When things don't work properly you complain about it and when it doesn't get fixed you get irritated. But that's life with Autodesk. I'd rather deal with a lame company that makes (or buys) good software than a good company that makes bad software, and Revit is definitely not bad software.

2007-07-06, 04:31 PM
Is this the website you are looking for? (for Google Earth)



2007-07-06, 05:24 PM
Is this the website you are looking for? (for Google Earth)


TCI'm not sure if that's it. We were told here in this forum that subscribers would get an email when the Google Earth plug-in was ready. I haven't received an email yet.