View Full Version : Another group-related bug

2003-07-06, 05:49 PM
The "elevation" parameter of some families can grow by the size of your levels' heights if you include them in groups and copy such groups to upper levels with "paste aligned". This causes such families to "fly" over your building. I know that the cause is the "elevation" parameter because I selected a problematic family from an upper level and saw its elevation was 3 meters (from level 2), while the elevation of other instances was 0 meters (from level 1). The result is that such families have a wrong Z coordinate of 6 meters in level 2 (3+3).

I thought this bug was a side effect of the one I described in my previous post (see "Workaround for a group-related bug"), but it seems it's a different issue, because it can happen even if no "invented levels" appeared.

I'm posting this with the hope that it might help somehow, although I don't know any fix for the moment. Some Revit developers read these forums, so perhaps these descriptions might help in some way.