View Full Version : FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at 340040cbh

2004-07-27, 04:50 PM
I have an AutoCAD 2000i drawing that returns the following error message after panning several times using the middle mouse button:
AutoCAD Error Aborting
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at 340040cbh

I have tried all the normal recovery tricks, including audit, recover, wblocking, purging, inserting into a new drawing, opening on a different computer, opening in ACAD 2005 and exporting/saving back down to 2000....all to no avail. Didn't find much help in the Autodesk Knowledge Base either. ACAD 2000i has service pack 2 installed.
Has anyone had experience with this type of error?

James Snyder

2004-07-27, 05:02 PM
I wonder what your ISAVEPERCENT is set at?
Your viewres?
Is it only one drawing that does this?
If so attemp using partial open and save small bits of it out
into new drawings until you isolate the cause, if possible.

Happy to look at it if possible.

2004-07-27, 05:04 PM
Change your whiparc variable to 0


2004-07-27, 05:09 PM
We had a 2002 drawing that also made AutoCAD crash when panning. (2002 also uses the AutoCAD 2000 drawing format.) We fixed it by running the AUDIT command, which put a lot of entities on the $AUDIT-BAD-LAYER layer. We then put all these into a selection set and erased them:

Command: (setq a (ssget "X" '( ( 8 . "$AUDIT-BAD-LAYER" ) ) ))
Command: Erase
Select objects: !a

Then we purged the drawing, removing the $AUDIT-BAD-LAYER layer.

We also saved the drawing after each step was completed successfully.

There are a couple of Autodesk knowledgebase documents that talk about how AUDIT takes all entities off the DEFPOINTS layer except dimension nodes, and moves them to the $AUDIT-BAD-LAYER layer, but it seems like there's something else going on, too. I only know that we had a drawing that made AutoCAD crash when panning, but after removing all the $AUDIT-BAD-LAYER stuff, panning was OK.

Something else you might look at - go to the "Insert" menu and select the "Image Manager" item, and see if there are any image files attached that are reported as "not found". We get drawings in this state all the time from consultants. This condition is almost guaranteed to make AutoCAD crash on certain operations (like invoking ETRANSMIT, for example).

BTW, you mentioned you're using 2000i. We just got a notice from our dealer that 2000i is about to be "retired," meaning Autodesk is about to terminate your ability to upgrade without buying a new, full-priced license. We use 2002, so I don't know if 2005 is any less fragile with respect to .DWG data that doesn't quite suit its fancy. But you might want to consult with your dealer.

Michael Evans

2004-07-27, 05:31 PM
Viewres = 1000
Yes, this is the only drawing that behaves like this.
Whiparc = 0.
Audit and Recover options find no errors.
This is a drawing that came from an outside office, and was likely started in ADT. We are NOT using ADT in this particular case.
I will attempt the partial open option, but its a fairly beefy drawing...
We have ADT 2005 in the upgrade chute, but it won't be installed for another month or so. In the mean time we are stuck with (hack, spit) 2000i.
Here it is if you feel like a challenge. Thanks, everyone, for the help.

James Snyder

2004-07-28, 09:56 AM

For what it's worth I've been playing (Panning for about 10 minutes; yes it was very boring) with the drawing file that you posted, and not experienced any problems. Tested on AutoCAD 2000i (Service Pack 2) on Windows 2000 Pro (Service Pack 4 + All Critical Updates).

What Operating System are you running + does this have the latest Service Packs and Critical Updates installed?


Check out the following thread (the bit of interest is the snippet from Ed Jobe) -

Red AutoSNAP marker (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5297&highlight=jobe)

Issues/Problems with random crashes are notoriously difficult to resolve due to their very nature.... hopefully Ed's little guide will help.

Have a good one, Mike

2004-07-28, 01:34 PM
Change your whiparc variable to 0

This is from the autodesk discussion group link above, it mentions a registry edit that seems to do the trick. It also says that this is definately an autodesk problem, not related to video cards or anything else. It might be worth a try. I, too, looked at the drawing, and have not received any errors


I just realized that you participated in the post that I was mentioning (03-09-01) Anyway, here it is:


Go in the registry to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-12:407\Profiles\Arch i
tectural Desktop\General and delete the "WhipArcEnable" if it's there (setting to 0 is NOT enough!) and
never use again the Whiparc command within AutoCAD (our customers hat lots
of crashes within AutoCAD2000 / 2000i / LT 2000 / ADT2 which could be solved
like this, but I didn't find this problem in ADT3 until now...)

This solution was sent to Autodesk on 15-15-00 but they never mentioned anything in this NG!!!........... :-((

the "long" text version:

Zoom-Crash-Problem in AutoCAD 2000 / LT 2000 / ADT 2 / 2000 i / LT 2000 i:
Lots of our customers claimed on frequent (2-20 a day!) crashes (unhandled
exception at...) while using the Pan on the middle mouse key and the Zoom
with the wheel.
After heavy testing we found out, that this is absolutely an AutoCAD
problem! (AutoCAD2000 / LT / 2000i / LT 2000i / ADT 2)
It is NOT a craphic card thing: tested on 4 different cards.
It is NOT a graphic driver thing: tested on 5 different machines/drivers.
It is NOT a mouse driver thing: we have a script that provokes a crash on
several machines with several mouse drivers.
It makes a difference if you maximize the document window or not. If it's
maximized AutoCAD crashes later.
The View, in which the drawing is stored, is important for the stability.
If the drawing is stored with _Zoom _E _Zoom 0.2x, it's much more stable
than when you store it with _Zoom _E _Zoom 5.0x
But what we found out is that just some machines have this problem and that
the problem does not occur on newly created user profiles! So on the same
machine we have two different accounts, one crashes, the new one doesen't,
when running our crash script in a big drawing!
By the way: the Servicepacks 1 and 2 don't change anything!

After heavy testing we found out that the Zoom-Pan-crashes, which are caused
by the heidi display engine, are due to an error in the WhipArc
The work-around is to delete the [WhipArcEnable] entry in the Registry under
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-XX:XXX\Profile s\Arch
itectural Desktop\General] (setting WhipArcEnable=0 or just turning off the
WhipArc variable within AutoCAD is NOT solving the problem!)
As this setting mentioned above is saved under HKEY_CURRENT_USER it is
possible that on the same machine under one user profile the AutoCAD is
crashing all the time and within an other user profile it's stable!
Furthermore this variable in the Registry ist NOT set by default (just when
you turn on WhipArc) so after a new installation everything is working fine
for some time... This explains why some people didn't have this crashes.
For testing I attached a drawing and a script file which cause AutoCAD to
crash within 1-2 minutes... In this drawing AutoCAD is crashing when
accessing the information of block UMG-D5 , but as Audit doesn't solve it, I
think it's not the problem of the block but of WhipArc (and our customers
had lots of different drawings which crashed).

2004-07-28, 03:07 PM
Mike, I'm sorry you had to spend that time messing around with it - I appreciate it. I just open the drawing in 2000i, push down the middle mouse button and quickly pan the mouse back and forth until the thing crashes - usually takes about 5 or 10 seconds. The error occurs on all types of machines, Win2K, XP, laptops, desktops etc. Everything here is service packed and patched up to the gills. I did have it crash on another machine without even receiving an error message - AutoCAD just disappeared. I took that as a sign...
Brenda, the WhipArcEnable registry key does not even exist on any of our computers, so I doubt that's it.
I think i'm going to chalk this one up to the computer Gods since its just one drawing. Thanks everyone for your time.

James Snyder

Kimberly Fuhrman
2006-03-23, 03:24 PM
Did you find any other solutions to this problem? We're having the same problems with LDT 2000i, and I have tried the above listed solutions to no avail. Please let me know if you find out anything new!


2006-03-28, 01:32 PM
Mike, I'm sorry you had to spend that time messing around with it - I appreciate it. I just open the drawing in 2000i, push down the middle mouse button and quickly pan the mouse back and forth until the thing crashes - usually takes about 5 or 10 seconds. The error occurs on all types of machines, Win2K, XP, laptops, desktops etc. Everything here is service packed and patched up to the gills. I did have it crash on another machine without even receiving an error message - AutoCAD just disappeared. I took that as a sign...
Brenda, the WhipArcEnable registry key does not even exist on any of our computers, so I doubt that's it.
I think i'm going to chalk this one up to the computer Gods since its just one drawing. Thanks everyone for your time.

James Snyder
We had the same exact problem here, what graphics cards are you using? If you are using a graphics card which is more geared towards gaming this is your problem. That error is the typical zoom and pan error. It is more likely to happen if you have many "wipeouts" within a particular drawing. There are only two ways to get around this in which I have found. Get an autodesk supported graphics card preferably a nVidia Quadro, or change all of your wipeouts to a layer that will be frozen all of the time until you plot. Oh, I forgot there is a third solution, which would be upgrade to 2006 or 2007, since we have upgraded in the past several months, the error is gone, and we didn't change from our ****** ATI Radeon video cards. Sorry for primarily bad news, but I found this error very frustrating and found these as the only viable solultions when dealing with it.