View Full Version : Section labels

2007-06-11, 01:54 PM
I have a question regarding the labels for the section views and yet again maybe I just missed it when I was looking for it, but where in the world do you control the section label styles? I know there is a setting when you first create them but where do you change them globally to all the sections rather than needing to go in a do each section individually?

2007-06-11, 05:01 PM
Hello again Diva,
You can check the label settings in your Codes section. Right click on Sample Line Group in your prospector window to get to them.

2007-07-04, 09:01 PM
OK, I know I am new to this but I really thought I could do a little better than this. I don't understand a single part of the answer. Where is the codes section? I also don't know what a Sample Line Group is or a Prospector Window?

I have been using Settings->View tags -> section tags to edit my sections callouts globally.

My real question though, is how to edit the label parameters in the Section Head family? I would like to change the labels to something I can manually type in for a couple situations and when I open the family editor all the label parameters are grayed out and it won't let me add a new parameter. Any ideas?

2007-07-05, 01:38 PM
If you go to your General Pulldown menu, you will see an option for Toolspace. This will open a dialog that contains two (or possibly three) tabs on it, The prospector is where you control what style is applied to an object and the Settings tab is where you control the Styles themselves.
You can also edit the Labels themselves by holding the CTRL key down while you select the label you want to edit (individual label or portion of one) and then Right click and select Edit Label.
The Codes section I was talking about can be located under the General - Multi-purpose styles - Code Set Styles area of the Settings tab in your Toolspace. (See attached).
These Codes are what you use to define the labels you want placed in your Sections, (and along the feature lines generated by the Corridors). You can set the code style in your Corridor Dialog by clicking the "Edit Codes" button at the top of the Codes Tab of the dialog.
This will open another dialog, where you can set the styles for your Links, Shapes and Points within a section.
Hopefully these images will help.