View Full Version : scheduling wall area in 2008 now works?

Justin Marchiel
2007-06-11, 02:55 PM
I read a lot of threads about how revit wont schedule a wall area properly. I have tried different means and found that the area of the wall always matches the area that it should be. i have created openings, offset tops, and everything i could to make revit mess up, but it seems to come back with the right areas.

I am wondering if this has been fixed in 2008, or is there a specific problem with the wall areas that i am missing. what are other users finding the problems are? i want to use revit for schematic costing, but if i can't rely on the areas that i get there is no point in doing it.



2007-06-11, 06:19 PM
I think many posts about this issue were directed at the splitting of a wall surface's face, and then painting with a new material? However, I have heard of people having trouble with center-justified walls calc'ing correctly...

I have been faithfully relying on wall area calculations for years; sure hope they have not been off. Granted, most of my work has been energy-related or for floorp[late/envelope ratio calculations...never for crucial material take-offs.