View Full Version : Annotation/detail crop region

2007-06-12, 04:37 PM
Has anyone else wished for a separate control to disable the annotation crop region in views?

I know this is useful if you duplicate a floor plan with detailing, and then crop the view down to one small area and you're left with a ton of annotation elements, text, etc. outside your crop region. However in large-scale wall section detailing with detail components, it can get annoying. I just noticed that on line-based detail components, most of which from the factory have the flip arrow 2 feet away from the start point, that if the flip arrow lands outside your annotation crop region, the component won't show up at all. This is really a problem when you need an instance of the component that's only a few inches long.

I have modified several of the line-based families to have the flip arrow right near the start point, but I guess I will have to continue to edit them every time a problem like this comes up. Either that or drag the crop region wayyy out on every one of my details.

It took me awhile to figure out why a short piece of a gyp board component was fine up higher in my detail, but near the bottom it would disappear.