View Full Version : Crashhhhhh

2007-06-12, 10:55 PM
I just had my first crash with RA08. I asked me to save and close which I did. It created a recovery file of only 12 kb which will not open. Is there a process to this?

2007-06-13, 02:42 PM
Please send previously saved file and journal to Support. Thanks and sorry for your trouble.

2007-06-13, 04:07 PM
By Journal, do you mean the 12 kb file that was created?

2007-06-13, 10:01 PM
Your journal file probably lives in a path similar to this one:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit Building 9.1\Journals

It is not the 12kb backup file that revit made for you - and I would suspect that that backup is probably toast if it is that small. Typically recovery files are just as big as your original revit model file.

2007-06-14, 01:00 PM
We get a lot of 12kb recfovery files as well... they dont work.

On rare occasion, during a crash we will get a full sized recovery. We tend to get the 12 kb stuff when its crashing because of memory issues (our guess...).

2007-06-14, 02:21 PM
I re-did the lost work in the same file that crashed. There does not seem to be a journal file from the date in question. I must have over written it in re-doning the work and saving.

2007-06-14, 03:22 PM
I had this happen the other day and the recovery file was about 2/3 the size of the original file. It worked just fine but I was worried about that 1/3 that was missing. I posted about this and some people said that when you do a "save as" it automatically scales down the size of of the file but they didn't know why. They suggested testing it out with other projects by "saving as" something else and then checking the size. I just did it with a 23 mb file and it ended up 19 mb.

We are using 9.1 instead of 2008 because of the whole "mirror project" issue. Is this recovery file not working issue only with 2008? Thanks for the help.


2007-06-14, 05:29 PM
No, we are experiencing the invalid Recovery file with some files in 9.1 too. I do not believe it is a Revit issue, so much as a hardware limitation.

While we have no discernable proof, after many conversations with tech support and Revit Support, we believe some users here are getting crashes in Revit from simply not having enough memory for the tasks they are trying to achive.

My understanding is once they run out, Windows will just truncate the program. Ive noticed when an actual error occurs, and Revit goes to make a recovery file, it cranks hard for a minute or two while churning out that file.

But if windows is already axing the program because theres no memory left, i think it kills it when its trying to make the recovery file too, and the 12Kb file (12KB is nothing, its not 12MB) is just the little hiccup that gets out when revit gets far enough to write the file name, lol...

2007-06-14, 06:07 PM
No, we are experiencing the invalid Recovery file with some files in 9.1 too. I do not believe it is a Revit issue, so much as a hardware limitation.



I've had these crashes to, when nothing else is running, and as Revit is the only proggie I use that this happens in (i use other demanding app's), I am not sure how this is hardware/mem not related to Revit. Also, i could duplicate the error 100% of the time when re-opening the original file and performing the suspect operation. So could support.

My machine spec's are good, I'm running XP pro, and i'm stand-alone. If it is a hardware limitation, it must be one that was programmed into Revit in that it exceeds the min. specifications it touts as requirements. Perhaps it is a bug.


since I upgraded to the latest build, I have not experienced this issue,
which is nice.

2007-06-14, 07:38 PM
I've also been able to replicate crashes. Too bad the latest build won't mirror a project or I'd tear the plastic off the package, install and then upgrade that baby.

2007-06-14, 08:14 PM
As a user of Building Systems for a few years the rule of thumb is to save often. I have my auto save on every five minutes and manually save at least every hour. I always save before I go from model to layout. I have crashed a lot and Auto Desk is the only program that I have found that can lock up Windows XP so hard you have to turn off the power to the computer.

2007-06-14, 09:29 PM
I will say that when I crashed, I was attempting to start a second session of Revit to show someone a detail. I have 1.5 mb of ram.