View Full Version : Filled Region in symbol nested into family doesn't SHOW

2007-06-13, 12:31 AM
Hi all,
Revit 2008 seem uncapable of showing filled SOLID regions drawn into a symbol family, inserted into a 3D family, inserted into a project.

The solid fill never prints / previews. If we change the fill into any other pattern, it prints / previews normally.

Any workaround for this bug?

Is this because solid fills are actually raster images? Why do the yshow on screen but do not preview or print?

thank you



Scott D Davis
2007-06-13, 04:08 AM
Are you trying to use a Solid Region to mask out parts when the family is loaded into the project? If so, you need to use the new Masking Region tool in 2008.

2007-06-28, 06:00 PM
How will a Masking Region Help a Solid Filled Region become visible in a print? I tried Editing a MultiFamily Data Outlet w/ a solid fill and made the masked region, but it has no fill pattern, so I added the solid fill back in, with no success...can you help point me in the right direction?

2007-06-29, 07:50 AM
So you are trying to FILL something with black right ?
Depending on the family (if not Filled Region is available) you can use a nested detail component. Those have filled region.

2007-06-29, 03:32 PM
Correct, I do use a filled region to fill it black. It will show on screen, but will not show on vector prints, it will only show on raster prints, which are larger files, and difficult to email.

2007-07-10, 09:56 PM
Havent had this issue before, but it pertains to using masking. . . .basically it works in the computer, but not on paper. . . .kinda strange. . . .

2007-07-11, 12:10 AM
just noticed that it is happening though the whole project on any annotation that I used a masking region in. . .blasted!

2016-07-23, 02:51 AM
Anyone else ever notice this? I have a detail item family nested in another detail item family - a mullion over a window, I did this to allow visibility of the mullion to vary and the mullion to move, so its essentially masking the window family behind it.
I then take the combined detail item fam, and nest it visible in plan over the window geometry in a generic model family. things look as they should, the filled region and order of objects still works. But when I take this generic model family, and either nest it into another family, or place it in a project- the graphics of the filled regions goes to ****. I have no idea why this would happen only at the 3rd or 4th level of nesting, and not immediately at the 1st? why would the effect work, then not? here is a screen cap from the family in a project. top version is original broken behavior with lines from the detail family running behind my detail item mullion fam nested over. middle version is a test with a filled region in the combined detail item fam nested in the generic model fam. things show through that magically. I was testing to see if I could somehow intervene in the ordering and place a filled region between detail items, anyway it didnt work. the bottom is just the combined detail items of the mullion and the window, no 3d geom. works perfect, at nest level 2, (mull nested into window(1)placed in project(2).
I'm vexed. I give up for the night. thanks for any help. hope some of this makes sense.