View Full Version : Life Safety Room Tag

2007-06-14, 08:03 PM
Hi all,

Okay, I'm trying to make a Life Safety room tag that can read parameters from a room element. However, I'm running into a couple of problems. I can create the tag and add labels that read from shared parameters. However when I load the tag into the project, the shared parameter labels don't show up because the rooms don't have those parameters added to them. So my question is twofold -

1. How do I add the shared parameters to the room element, so my tag can read them and populate the labels?

2. How can I create a label with a formula? Example - I want to create a label that will automatically calculate the number of people in a room based on the Area of the room / Occupant Load Factor (square footage per person).

Any help on this would be appreciated, since I can't even find where to add shared parameters to rooms... Is that even possible?

Thank you.

2007-06-14, 08:08 PM
Hi all,

Okay, I'm trying to make a Life Safety room tag that can read parameters from a room element. However, I'm running into a couple of problems. I can create the tag and add labels that read from shared parameters. However when I load the tag into the project, the shared parameter labels don't show up because the rooms don't have those parameters added to them. So my question is twofold -

1. How do I add the shared parameters to the room element, so my tag can read them and populate the labels?

2. How can I create a label with a formula? Example - I want to create a label that will automatically calculate the number of people in a room based on the Area of the room / Occupant Load Factor (square footage per person).

Any help on this would be appreciated, since I can't even find where to add shared parameters to rooms... Is that even possible?

Thank you.

i can answer the 1st question. You must load in your shared parameters to your project, and here is how.
settings->project parameters->click shared parameter-click select
find where you place the txt file of your shared parameter, then select the desired parameter you created and click the appropriate categories. you must do it for each parameter that you want to add to your project.

2007-06-14, 08:21 PM
thank you! That helped a LOT. I have 4 of the 5 fields I need.
Now I need to get a label to read a calculated value. Is that possible to do?

2007-06-14, 08:25 PM
thank you! That helped a LOT. I have 4 of the 5 fields I need.
Now I need to get a label to read a calculated value. Is that possible to do?

I have not tried to do that, so i don't know the answer. but if you get one, i might snag it too.

2007-06-14, 09:32 PM
thank you! That helped a LOT. I have 4 of the 5 fields I need.
Now I need to get a label to read a calculated value. Is that possible to do?

In a word.... no.

Tags can only read the Shared Parameters... They cant read Calculated values, which is unfortunate, as you need a value that is a funxction of the area,

What you CAN do, is make a shared parameter, that has to have the calculated value typed in to it (manually), but then you can make a separate schedule that has:

Calculated Value X
Shared Parameter Y
Check Value Z

Yuo can write an if statement to make Z = 0 if X = Y, and make it 1 otherwise. Then, place that schedule on your drawings (somewhere), and under appearance make all the lines and titles disappear. Filter the schedule so rooms only show up if Z doesnt equal 0, and youre off.

What this does, is if the CV updates, and its no longer equal to the number that (sadly) has to be manually entered in the schedule, it puts a big honkin column from a schedule on your sheet, right in the open to tell yuo something is wrong.

Plus, if the CV and the SP are next to each other in the schedule, its really fas tto copy and paste them.

This is how we set up our Egress Calc sheets now, it works like a dream. :)

This is another trick from Steve Stafford. Awesome tool, gotta give credit where its due. ;)