View Full Version : Scheduling Door Details

2007-06-15, 02:31 PM
So, I spent a while yesterday afternoon perusing the posts on this topic and found that while it has been a topic for some time now, any real conclusion is yet to really be arrived at. My first idea at handling the door details was just to add 3 shared parameters to each door family (head, jamb, sill) and schedule each one individually (this is similar to how we handle it now in ADT or ACA). If you have arrived at a more efficient way of handling these guys in your experience, do share here, and if you want to attach any door families or shared parameter files with it all already set-up, well then, even better. As a Revit newbie, I am learning a lot from studying how others set-up things.

Muchas gracias.

2007-06-15, 02:33 PM
Since every door/window detail sheet on every one of our jobs is different (each detail is different, and the placement of details is different), we just have to go down the schedule and type in the locations of where each detail occurs on the detail sheet.

Another way would be to place section markers on the door and window elevations that link to the detail locations, and not have it in the schedule, but since Legend views don't allow section or callout marks, that idea is out the, um.... window. :roll:

2007-06-15, 02:38 PM

Noticed you are in Southaven. I grew up a bit south of you in the H'burg. I guess you guys prob. do a lot of work in Memphis, but how is the arch. market in MS overall?

2007-06-15, 06:51 PM
We only do a small amount of work in the Memphis area. Most of our stuff is in north MS, and we have GOBS of work, we just about can't handle it in our small office of only 4 Revit users. We probably have at least 30, if not more, currently active project numbers, either in design or under construction right now.

2007-06-15, 06:54 PM
Well, very good then and congrats on the engagement.