View Full Version : Using Attribute values to control Dynamic Block actions

2007-06-15, 09:02 PM
Been looking over past threads on the subject of extracting info from attributes in DB's but havent found what Im looking for. Is it possible to extract info from an attribute and apply it to a Dynamic action? For instance....A roof slope indicator triangle with attributes for RISE and RUN that will stretch the triangle to the user specified RISE and RUN.

Everything I can find on this subject has the extraction going in the other direction.


2007-06-15, 09:06 PM
Been looking over past threads on the subject of extracting info from attributes in DB's but havent found what Im looking for. Is it possible to extract info from an attribute and apply it to a Dynamic action? For instance....A roof slope indicator triangle with attributes for RISE and RUN that will stretch the triangle to the user specified RISE and RUN.

Everything I can find on this subject has the extraction going in the other direction.

Brentdid you happen to miss THIS (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=53272&highlight=roof+pitch)one?


2007-06-16, 03:23 AM
Nope, actually saw that one. That one works fine but it is still opposite of what Im looking to do. With that block you have to manipulate the triangle and then it updates the attribute. What Im looking to do is manipulate the attribute and update the triangle. In other words, you would textedit or attedit the block, input your rise and run into the dialog box, and then the DB would take over and stretch the triangle accordingly. Is it possible to have attribute values inputed into DB actions?

I know its kinda anal to want it the other way when this way works fine but Im looking down the road at applications other than a simple slope indicator if it can be done.

2007-06-16, 01:23 PM
Nope, actually saw that one. That one works fine but it is still opposite of what Im looking to do. With that block you have to manipulate the triangle and then it updates the attribute. What Im looking to do is manipulate the attribute and update the triangle. In other words, you would textedit or attedit the block, input your rise and run into the dialog box, and then the DB would take over and stretch the triangle accordingly. Is it possible to have attribute values inputed into DB actions?

I know its kinda anal to want it the other way when this way works fine but Im looking down the road at applications other than a simple slope indicator if it can be done.as far as i know, not without programming... only thing close is lookups, and i don't know how you can use random user input values to access a function like that. may i ask what's wrong w/ using a pulldown list? or is your goal to eliminate the limitations of such a list....

Mr Cory
2007-06-16, 10:46 PM
Yeah i'd say it is, this could be handy if you could but the input would have to be in specific format for it to be recognised wouldnt it?

2007-06-17, 02:12 AM
or is your goal to eliminate the limitations of such a list....

Yes, the goal would be to have any value be legal. Take the slope indicator for instance.....standard roof slopes are x/12 but handicapped access ramps are 1/20. And perhaps you would be dealing with an existing site ramp that was built to 2.25/24. The idea Im going after is to not be confined to a pull down list or not have to have a list so long that it doesnt fit on screen, lol.

Im also looking down the road at other possible applications if it will work. Mostly simple shapes that would/could be different sizes for different projects. One example would be fitting out an electrical closet with panels. We (as most people do I assume) draw everything in our buildings to scale to verify there are no interferences. Rather than have a vis state or a stretch list for each size panel, which would have to be constantly updated as manufacturers change sizes, I just thought it would be much easier to have one block that can be controlled by user input.

I just started digging into the DB's a few weeks ago so Im still a newbie to this whole deal. Even with the very little knowledge Ive gathered so far I think Ive already cut our block library in half. Just lookin to push the envelope a bit.