View Full Version : Toposurface issues in 2008?

2007-06-15, 09:13 PM
My boss usually ends up doing the site grading plans on most projects around here (if a civil firm doesn't do it), and he said that 2008 seems to have more issues with contour lines going all over the place, crossing over, and doing other weird and wacky things than it did on previous versions. Anyone else notice things like this?

2007-06-15, 09:15 PM
No, I just noticed that there is no progress for site tools in R2008

2007-06-15, 09:18 PM
site tools is one thing, but just getting the grading plan to show correctly is entirely another. I can't STAND the way Revit interpolates contour lines from point elevations. Like when you put a point here, and for no apparent reason the nearby contour lines go WAY over there! :banghead:

But according to my boss that behavior seems worse now than before.