View Full Version : Need (more) help with my window schedule

2004-07-28, 10:24 AM
Hello again,

Please have a look at the attached images - one shows my window schedule with 'Itemize every instance' switched off (this is what I want), the second with it switched on.

Why do window types 5 and 7 not show any sill height in the first image though?? Every instance of each of these types have the same sill height. Ihave adjusted them on elevation and also tried doing it in the schedule but still they refuse to show! :banghead:

Advice please?

Thanks, Elrond

2004-07-28, 12:45 PM
It looks like you have many windows grouped together, so if any of them is slightly off in the sill height it won't report. If you delete all but one of that type of window do you see the sill height? If not then its a diff. problem.