View Full Version : Same Callout--Multiple Locations

2004-07-28, 03:39 PM
Is there a way to make one callout (say a typical wall detail) and show it in several different places? We haven't been able to make this work...

2004-07-28, 03:42 PM
yahshooeryoobetcha...when you pick the section or callout command notice and check the Reference Other View check box on the options bar. The a pulldown list will be availiable next to it that you can choose the view to reference. Set up a section/callout type that has suffix of SIM and one with TYP in addition to the default one. Just make sure you choose the right one to reference because this is one way you can erroneously point to wrong details like the "ole" days...

Scott D Davis
2004-07-28, 03:44 PM
When placing a callout, in the Options bar there is an option for "Reference Other View". with this checked, you can point the callout to any other created callout view, and then Revit will automatically add "TYP" to the callout bubble.

Edit: Quick Draw McGraw Steve beat me to it!

2004-07-28, 06:35 PM
Okay, great guys, if we were dealing with multiple views. What about multiple references in the same view???

2004-07-28, 06:41 PM
You mean reference the same detail several times on the same view? Sure...same deal...like the image below?

Scott D Davis
2004-07-28, 06:42 PM
That's it! What Steve and I described, allows you to have multiple call-outs that all refer to the same detail or view. Are we misunderstanding what you want?

Two detail bubbles, both read "Detail 1 on sheet A2.1, TYP" right?

Edit: Steve! dang it, beat me to it again, and with pictures!

2004-07-28, 06:44 PM
Okay, yah, that's what I'm looking for...thanks!