View Full Version : Custom grid head

2007-06-19, 04:07 PM
Is it possible to create a grid head that has two parameters? I need one for an area designation and one for a grid line designation.

2007-06-19, 06:54 PM
I can't see a way the grid head family doesn't allow shared parameters or user created parameters. You maybe able to create a generic annotation family and load it into your grid family.

2007-06-19, 06:58 PM
You may want to focus on the shared parameter direction. A quick look into user parameters appears that the parameter wouldn't be user editable within the project file.

2007-06-19, 07:07 PM
I think it greatly depends on what you want to do with it.

if you want to subdivide, so that you can specify that "Grid 1" is in "Area A," then it might be possible, allthough im not sure you can add a shared parameter to a grid... What Object catagory is a grid under?

But if you want to make it so both Area 1 and Area 2 can have a "Grid 1" there isnt a way its going to let you do it, regardless...

2007-06-19, 07:39 PM
I'm totally new at this. How would I find the object category of the grid? I used the out-of box grids.

2007-06-19, 09:14 PM
Sorry, i wasnt clear. I meant, when you go to add a shared parameter, there is a bunch of catagories you can select from. I dont recall ever looking for Grids, to see if it is there.

In the same sense, if i add a shared parameter "sidelight" to the door Catagory, i will not get the parameter sidelight for my Room objects.

Ive honestly never looked to see where Grids show up, if anywhere, to make them customizable.

But again, which of the two scenarios are you after? Regardless of what parameters you add, Revit wont let you have more than one Grid "A". So youll still have to use A' or something, if youre trying to have a Grid A in Area 1, and a Grid A in area 2.

2007-06-19, 10:11 PM
Not sure if this will work, but you could try using scope boxes as your "areas" and see if you can add a parameter to the grid head that would specify what scope box the grid is assigned to?

I really don't think this is possible though. As of yet, with annotation like grids where you make a head type and then that is nested into a grid annotation family, you aren't given the ability to link the parameters you create in the head type into the grid family in any meaningful way. If you want a workaround, do it the "dumb" way. May a grid head with the letter "A" as a text object, not as a tag/label. Then make one with B, C, etc.. until you have one for each area. Then, you can switch grid types and have it display the faked "area" and the real grid number/letter.

p.s.> I can't test any of this as I'm not at a computer with Revit at the moment. I may be able to give it a try tomorrow if you haven't found a solution by then. Good luck!

2007-06-20, 02:41 AM
You can make multiple grid types and you can make multiple grid heads/types. You CAN'T use a label and connect it to a shared parameter in the grid head family and change it in a project.

As Kelly describes, You CAN place Text in the family and connect its "visible" parameter to a yes/no check box. You CAN create new types that toggle between different zone types and then assign these different grid head types to separate grid types in the project. How many times can I use type and parameters in one explanation? :smile:

I've attached a mock-up sample grid head family.

2007-06-20, 02:12 PM

The sample you attached does almost everything I need. Is it possible toalways have the zone designation on top? The parameter will rotate but the "dumb" text does not? Also, I'm sure this is easy, but how do I make the new family work with the grid system family?



2010-06-22, 06:01 PM
You can make multiple grid types and you can make multiple grid heads/types..

Revit will force rotate the text which causes unexpected results when seeing the same grid from different orientations. If you apply this grid head in plan, it will look correct but then cut a transverse section and look at the grid head annotation. The Text will be rotated. See attached a screen capture.

Are there any more ideas out there?

Alex Page
2010-06-23, 02:39 AM
This could work (cant try at the moment)

When editing the family
edit the label and put a prefix (of what you want the "text" to be) - use a number of spaces after it so the the actual grid mark goes onto the next line
Give it a visibility parameter
repeat for all the other 'text' options

This may work, but the "text" size will be the same as the "grid mark" size