View Full Version : Multiple Housing - how to add windows in linked RVT models

2007-06-23, 08:51 PM

I would appreciate some advise from somewhat experienced REVIT users.

I am working on a multiple housing project. There are 4 blocks with 3 units mounted on top of each other. That is 4 buildings with 3 stories each positioned side by side, but they are staggered and each building is at different heights as they are on a terrain that slopes. 4 blocks with 3 units each which makes a total of 12 units. All units are alike except that for those units that are in the corners of the multiple housing complex there are windows in the side walls (more specifically on the side wall that faces the outside of the multiple housing), For those units that are in between other units there are no windows on their side walls obviously because they share common walls.

I will have to move each of the 4 buildings (blocks of 3 units/stories) and also each of the units separately several times to find the best position for them both in terms of height and in degree of staggering. Because of this, I want to make sure I use the best possible method to build my model, so that it will be easy to move each building and unit separately and modify accordingly.

Since the units are virtually the same, I thought of building one model of a unit without windows and then link this REVIT file into the larger REVIT file that includes the entire multiple housing. In this way I can then create 12 instances and easily position them wherever I want and at different heights to create the multiple housing. Another advantage of doing this is that any revisions made on the single unit file will propagate at once throughout all of the multiple housing units. However what I find is that I cannot add windows on the walls of the linked units. Is there a way around this? It would be great if windows and other features could be added on the link files as this would resolve my problem.

Please see attached JPG image.

I appreciate your advice. I am using REVIT 8.1.

Thank you very much in advance.