View Full Version : groups, good or bad?

2007-06-24, 10:05 PM
I've created some typical floor groups to be copied about twenty times
ever since then Revit has been crashing more than usual when saving
I've been warned of groups before. could this be the reason Revit is crashing?

thank you

2007-06-24, 10:15 PM
May we assume you're using the latest version of Revit?

2007-06-24, 10:19 PM
i'm using 9.1
soon to transfer this project into 2008

2007-06-24, 11:00 PM
i'm using 9.1
soon to transfer this project into 2008Many improvements with Groups in 2008. Please write back when you've upgraded.

2007-06-25, 12:09 AM
Before you go through the upgrade, some more information would be great. There are a number of things that could be causing the crashing.

WHEN is it crashing? While trying to edit or move something, or when trying to Save to central?

Is it a worksetted project? File size? How many warnings are there in the Tools > Review warnings dialogue?

These are all issues that may help us help you out a bit more...

2007-06-25, 03:40 AM
Like Aaron mention those are all very important issues.
On the other hand the nice things with 2008 is the link ability. You can also put linked files that have been copied (room layout) to different worksets.

2007-06-25, 12:53 PM
Oh absoultely... Theres no question 2008 has much better functionality for what (it seems) like he is trying to do... I would just hate to go through the trouble if installing and upgrading, only to find out the trouble is something else... Especially until hes had time to test out his workstation in 2008...

clog boy
2007-06-25, 01:39 PM
It would be best if items within a group are not dependent or hosted by elements outside the group, but I realise that is not always (if ever) possible.
I'd like to use groups to switch between options and keep them different between multiple buildings within the same projects (so using design options will be very tough), but I already realize that's going to be a big big issue.

Haven't tried using groups yet in RA2k8.

2007-06-25, 05:08 PM

my file is 82mgs and i am using worksets and it bombs out on a save to central.

also is it better to use other Revit files and import them into the main file sort of like x refs? i'm trying to deal with a 22 story condo with PT slabs.
lots of copying floor slabs n such.

thanks again for the support


2007-06-25, 06:37 PM

This definetelyisnt conclusive, but ive had experiences with files crashing during Save to Central. The culprit was the system not having enough memory to process everything.

What kind of hardware spec are you using?

I have peopl here working in 200 MB files, with p4 3.0 an 2 GB RAM... The only way they can STC without crashing is to be very vigilent of the following:

Makes sure a great deal of time has NOT gone by
Only check out the worksets they need to accomplish their work (dont open the entire model)
Reload Latest frequently...

Just a few suggestions...

Also, id like in to the 3GB switch. That is wha Autodesk pointed me too when we were having this hapen frequently...